
Why must people be labled?

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why must people be labled because of an issue that either comes naturally or is induced by something.(ie... ptsd). I have a 9 yr old son that has been labled with PTSD, ODD,ADHD,and a few other ones that I cant rememember at this putting a so called label on these kids and adults going to give some a complex? I would think that if you have all these ppl saying something is wrong with you that in turn your way of thinking would cause you to become what these same ppl are saying you are. Instead of throwing a bunch of pills at someone or making them feel less human or locking them away somewhere that there would be a way to handle this. I dont want my child growing up thinking something is wrong with him because he is a little different rather then believing in himself that he is special and can do the same if not more then other kids. am I the only one that feels this way?




  1. People with ADD generally are better at specializations than those without. Find what you really like to do and do it as best you can. Pete Rose was ADD and he became one of the best Baseball players to ever play, too bad Selig is an ***.

    Also many scientists, Einstein, were probably ADD.

    Many people with ADD are labeled such because they are thinking of something else.

  2. Yes, I agree, it's wrong.

  3. Honestly, the best thing I can tell you is keep being encouraging. My boyfriends mother says he can't do certain things because of his ADD and he still believes it. Tell them they can do anything and to ignore ignorant people. =)

  4. I'm not positive on this but I think the schools get extra money if they have a high percentage of kids with "labels'. Maybe it encourages them to look for kids like yours. I'm sure I would have been diagnosed with ADD, I have the attention span of a goldfish at times.  Good luck, don't let them get too yah !!

  5. I realize it will be tricky for you to encourage your son, if he feels labeled, but remember that before educators used the current labels, they had other labels.  I doubt your son would prefer "stupid," "lazy" or "bad."  In an educational setting labels are sometimes nesecary as a "cheatsheet" to guide the teacher in best educating each child according to their differing needs.  My sugestion is that you explain to your child early on that these labels explian how he is different from other people, but not what he can't do.   I don't know about the others, but I have found some very positive statistics and information about people with ADHD.  You might want to look into this so you can point out the special strengths that go with each label.

  6. A diagnosis is useful if people realize that there's more to the kid than the label and if the diagnosis enables the kid to get the kind of help that they need.  If a diagnosis gets the kid critical special ed services, or points the parents to useful strategies for helping the child, then it's done a good thing.

    Of course a diagnosis shouldn't be a "label" because there's more to everyone than the sum of their diagnoses.  My daughter has asthma and I'm glad she was correctly diagnosed so she could get help.  That doesn't mean she's just an asthmatic.  Similarly, one of my kids had selective mutism when she was younger.  That diagnosis pointed us in the direction of research showing what kind of therapies helped kids with selective mutism ... and led to us being able to help her, so she's no longer selectively mute.  That's certainly not a bad thing.

  7. It is very natural for people to label things. If you think about it, that is what we do from when we're first born. It is just how our brains work. Classification is a normal thing and some experts argue that it is like a defense mechanism.

    Anyway, you are right. If someone is labeled as something they are very likely to eventually start believing it. It is just like the self fulfilling prophecy.

  8. Apparently he has certain conditions or behaviors..  I cannot judge whether he does or not.  It is up to you and others to teach him that he is something beyond them.  

    You labeled him as a kid.  Do you mean that he is exactly like every other kid?  You labeled him as a son.  Does that make him feel different and inferior?

    I think some of the things that you listed are over diagnosed, and are used as an excuse for poor behavior.  I also know that some children have benefited from medication and therapy.  I have no way of knowing what is proper for your son.  It is unusual for a child to be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Shock Disorder.  If something that traumatic happened to him, therapy may be proper.

    I think that you may also taking this personally.  Again, I do not know for sure.  Take some time and think about it.  Do you see this as an insult to your mothering?  You have made some strong emotional arguments.  You may be right.  But it does not hurt to re-examine our own thoughts and feelings.

  9. These so called professionals like to put a label on everything to justify their job and outrageous salary. In my day, we weren't labeled, just got on with learning and living. There's too many psuedo psychologists out there all wanting to strut their stuff and confuse these poor kids. If your told often enough that something is wrong with you then you'll end up believing it. Tell your kid you love him and don't listen to these overpaid windbags.

  10. My teacher said i have ADHD...o_O

    i dont know what any of the others are but i dont think its a bad thing.

    just follow em through

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