
Why must people be ready to fight and die to defend the freedom of their country?

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Why must people be ready to fight and die to defend the freedom of their country?




  1. When was the last war that Americans fought in the defence of  their freedom? Most wars both prior and post, arguably the only war America fought for freedom (WWII) , have been done solely to provide protection for American business intrests abroad.

    In fact America has sponsered the overthrow of many democraticaly elected governments , often replacing them with dictatorships, when the elected government would have caused a threat to American investments. When a country has only approx. 6% of the world's population and controls nearly 49% of the world's wealth well....we gotta protect ourselves  especially from "commie" or "rouge" states like....The Dominican Republic (1962), Guatamala in 1951, Nicaragua, Chile, Panama....boy the list can go on. How about Korea, Vietnam, the cold war....who's freedom were we fighting for?  

    Prior to WWII things are abit suspect as well. The Civil War for example was fought not for any freedoms, but to hold the Union together. The freeing of the slaves in the Confederate States was done to make those slaves, who were streaming into the Union lines "war contraband", thus taking resources from the South. The slaves were freed also so Britian, who was still toying with the idea of supporting the South was taken "out of the picture". The only people who were fighting for freedom in that war were the brave African-American Union men and a handfull of white supporters. If that war was about freedom, then why was the black man's rights denied for decades to come in both the North and the South?

    Remember too that only 1/3 of colonial Americans wanted to seperate from Britian. That dosn't equate to fighting for the freedom of the people of North America. So who's freedom were they fighting for?

    History is often tainted, in it's presentation in our educational system. It's often little more then propaganda. If the American people knew the real reasons we have sent our boys to various parts of the world to be killed, most of America would be angered and ashamed. In most cases, they were sent to war for the benifit of some "King or corporation". Our government is not the benevolent protector of freedom throughout the world. Most of the wars fought by Americans were for an elite group of Americans. An often repeated saying from the American Civil War illustrates this "it's a rich man's war, but a poor man's fight".

  2. Because there are people in the world who are ready to fight and die to take it from you.  It sounds hard to believe, but it is true.  In 1938, The British were so very afraid of war and disparaged the thought of any more armed conflict.  The Prime Minister of Great Britain at the time, Neville Chamberlain, even went so far as to go and make a deal with the Chancellor of Germany and the government of Czechoslovakia that would portion off a piece of land held by the Czechs, referred by the Chancellor as the "Sudetenland" , or the southern land, a region inhabited primarily by ethnic Germans.  The Chancellor at the time was a very pro-German idealist, wrapped up in visions of a new German empire.  Neville Chamberlain prevailed on the Czechs to cede this land to the Chancellor and to Germany.  He was well aware of the fact that the Germans had technically invaded Austria not long before, and was well aware of the new German military machine.  But he returned to Great Britain victorious, and the pacifists breathed a collective sigh of relief, and he declared on September 30, 1938 that he believed it was "peace in our time". Not long after, Czechoslovakia became the next vassal state in the Third Reich.  One year later, on September 1st, 1939, Germany invaded Poland under the orders of the German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, kicking off World War II.

    Adolf Hitler and his generals and advisors played for time from the moment he ascended to power in 1933 until he put his plans for world domination into play.

    In that span of time, from the n**i party's ascendancy in Germany to the German invasion of Poland, the world was dragging itself from economic blight.  Our great-grandparents and grandparents listened to and read the news about the German rise.  Some shook their heads at the rhetoric reportedly from n**i sources, and others were in shock at what they heard.  Nobody wanted to go to war; and no sane human wants or desires war.  But there are still people, just as mad as Hitler or just as greedy as his supporters, who want to rule the world by force, or just cause as much damage as possible.  No nation or group of nations can heal all the world's pain.  Someone, somewhere is hurting right now, and vowing to someday do as much damage to the world and to humanity as is possible to do.  We cannot help them.  But we can try to stop them before they kill our people.

  3. The Canadians are still under British rule and so the Australians. Both countries are doing extremely well. They have better education, better health care then the USA. Defending freedom is one thing, but most wars are about  business, greed and unjust gain for a few.

    The USA is blinded by self destructive patriotism and on the way of Rom

  4. Human rights and freedom are precious -- many countries don't have what we have.  But that doesn't mean we need to go around invading countries who might one day think about considering a plan to try to harm us.  That's just crazy.

  5. War is profitable and the business of America is business.

  6. If your not strong enough to fight for what you have, then you don't deserve it.

  7. It's simple, if you want to be able to live a happy life. You need to stand up for yourself.

  8. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

  9. If others wouldn't have done so already, you couldn't ponder such things.

    Meditate on this.

  10. If we didn't fight for our freedom back in the Revolutionary war we wouldn't be called the United States   we would be called Britain    We have to fight for the freedom 98% of people in this country take for granted

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