
Why must people disrespect other countries teams,are they just bored? or just insecure about their own team?

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i feel im a true rugby fan and provided its a good clean game who cares.




  1. Your alright 'anthony', there is some fun in what goes on - on this site and yes it can get a tad bit serious however as long as you can give it out - be prepared to take it.  Most that are on this site now are the diehards who understand that 'banter' is all part of the game......

    Like you they are true rugby fans!

  2. You seem confused...

    Disrepecting a nations rugby team and supporters (and Haka) a lot different than disrespecting or being racist too a whole nation.

    The only people trying to confuse the two are the people who take this stuff way way too seriously..

    They also try to draw parrellels between rugby and warfare, and put their international players on the same pedestal as war heros. They seem to have nothing else in their lives to be proud of, other than living vicariously through the achievements of their rugby team.

    They are as extreme as fundementalist christians, and they even unsmilingly equate rugby too a "religion".

    These people need to be mocked and derided mercilessly for their own good, and the good of the game.

  3. Its just part of the sports banter!

    I'm Scottish and we take a right good slagging about our footie team all the time!! We can take it on the chin because we are humble enough to know we are not the best team the world has ever seen. I think its harmless!

    However it isn't nice when people say things like we're a bunch of alcoholics and stuff like that.... kthats just stereotyping........keep it about the game.

  4. I back my team win or loose. SA is tops.

  5. well Flippant just answered your question really - it was irrelevant what your nationaility is but he took the opportunity to take a swipe at the English.  I too am surprised at some of the vitriole on this site and am just hoping for an exciting, clean game this weekend!

  6. s'all part of the fun.

  7. "bored" and "insecure" ? no! I am proud of my team and will heckle the other teams till kingdom come as long as my team is winning.

    Besides it is a lot of fun

  8. There's two types of people in this world i can't stand. That's people intolerant of other cultures, and the French

  9. No.

  10. It is all in good fun.  As long as one doesnt cross the line (so to speak) then there is nothing wrong with a little good natured banter, my goodness.

  11. are you english? get a grip

    we all heckle the opposition and most of the time it is light hearted banter, we're not disrespectful, insecure or bored, mind you a lot of "english" fans have got in a lot of trouble as "true" supporters by causing fights etc, and no they're not the only fans but in the uk it is they're fans we mostly here about. a good honest game is a good honest game for people of all ages to enjoy, banter is banter live with it.

  12. In all things when someone insists on humiliating or insulting others it is from their own feelings of insecurity.

    You do not have to belittle others to feel better about yourself.

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