
Why must poor people fight the wars of the rich?

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And not only poor - also young, far too young to understand the World and far too young to die.

And yes, Afghanistan is about oil (pipelines) and so is Iraq - these are wars fought by poor people who join the army so they may make some money for their future and they are fighting them so rich people who own oil companies can get richer.




  1. You shouldn't drink the bong water!!

    I'm pretty sure just about every war ever has been fought this way!

    Edit: I don't think it will end because of what you said the benefits outway the risks in most people's cases is it sad when a young soldier dies of course it is but who would lead this country if all the rich and succesful people are out dying in a war! And i would also like to add that it is refreshing to see somebody who defends they're statements and does just post a question and leave it to the masses. And also that you are not so easily offended as are most people who take the same stance as you. And i fully mean my previous statements as a compliment no sarcasm intended.

  2. This is an interesting topic I studied in my political science classes.  The early early wars were fought by the land owners (rich) because they wanted to protect their property.  And those were the days where there was no full time military it was just a 'gather your arms and fight' time.  As the world population grew we saw the formalization of full time military - many of which were the land owners.  Through the years the land owners became fewer and were often the officers, and then they just kind of dies out all together.  Why people fight now is for preservation of a country, not necessarily their own land.  Fascinating subject if you get the time to study it.  

    As for the rest of your post it's a load sh*t.  Also know your economics - most of the profit of the oil companies goes to the stock holders (ordinary citizens) not to the coorporation itself.

    EDIT:  HAHA that's where you go wrong my friend.  I'm talking the EARLIEST land owners fought the battles.  Yes they had peasants but if you knew anything along the lines of the formation of the military, you would know that the land owner went off to fight because the peasants stayed and worked the farm.  The peasants did not go to war for decades because then there would be nobody to farm the land.  I agree with you - after awhile the peasants were then sent off to war, however in the beginning they weren't. I'm sorry but you just don't know what your talking about when it comes to that.  

    Also the American oil companies are big enough to make any global shift of any kind.  They also aren't getting near as rich as the other world companies.  The largest American oil company is #16 on the list of world oil companies.  They're making a h**l of a lot more profit.  Look that sh*t up.  Yeah the people who own the companies are getting rich - same way anyone who capitalizes on a product or resource does.  Know what the people want/need, give it to them, make good money.  Tens of thousands of mutal funds have oil stock in them.  Tens of thousands of people are making money.  If not hundreds of thousands...

  3. Why must you be so biased?

    Despite what others may say, you refuse to agree until a person with a similar viewpoint came along, one who could validate your question.

    This was not even a question, though, was it?

    You just wanted to proclaim your own thoughts, not hear anyone else's. If you had been interested in learning and expanding your knowledge base, you would have been more open to opposing viewpoints.

    Please. The purpose of Answers is to help answer questions. It is not a place to further one's own political views.

    Thank you for wasting our time.

  4. u r so smart,don't worry about the military they don't accept just anyone.. it is all volunteer and more apply than are accepted

  5. wake up the 60"s are over go to woodstock there is nothing there

  6. No draft, your assertion is false.

  7. I'm reading Nicholas and Alexandra and this is brought up. The poor fighting for the rich. It is just how it is done. Why do the poor get the worst and hardest jobs? The poor have the toughest hill to climb and barely get any recognition for it. They just get more insults and judgments against them. Some well-off people do go into the military but they are rare persons. This country in particular are horrible hypocrites. It's a reason we have such a low standing in the world. Some people are not willing to believe the lies that get told again and again, the delusions. I'm disappointed with the Political Science student. I guess he doesn't pay attention to the business news. A lot of big time investors are not ordinary individuals and perhaps that is the problem. The CEOs are rewarded with stock.

    edit: Isn't it ironic that the richer you are the more power you have? The richer you are then the more rewards you are given even when you don't need them? You don't have to dig too deep to find plenty of examples.

    edit: A professor from BU argued that instead of attacking Iraq that the FBI and CIA should be treating terrorist activity as a criminal entity. This would prevent another 911 from happening. 911 happened because we were stupid. We weren't paying attention. We let our guard down.

  8. Dude what does it matter the fact is with out a military you want have a country. Military is a must for any country.  So what are you trying to achieve my posting this there is nothing we civilian can do but vote. We the people choose to have George Bush in office so that's what we got. If you don't like it move complaining does nothing for any one

  9. Correction, they join to fight for their country because they know that if someone is not there doing it then this nation would be destroyed. Of course they get benefits and pay, it is their job. But let me ask you this, if this war is just about oil and McCain supports drilling from our own land, what reason would he have to want to stay and win the war? Could it be that he knows that if we left then the violence in that region would increase and bring back genocide, at which point liberals would blame conservatives and call for the immediate return and then once we would sacrifice more live in an unnecessary manner, you would blame conservatives once again for the US being in a state of war? Or maybe it would take another attack the size of 9/11 to convince you of their cause. Oh wait, that won't happen because we have a military defending our nation. Don't insult those who sacrifice themselves for your rights and safety. As a future Marine, I know what I am getting into and I don't need ignorant fools like you telling me otherwise.

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