
Why must quiet people disturb my peace and loud?

by  |  earlier

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They always tell me to keep my music down, during the DAY while they're awake and aren't doing anything requiring concentration! These people have no common courtesy!




  1. I'm one of those "quiet" people. I hate it when you play music at full blast when I'm trying to concentrate on something.

    WE CAN NEVER BE ROOM-MATES. Deal with it.

  2. its upto you to use earphones stop the noise pollution or move into a neighbourhood where no one will mind

  3. keep your music in your "space:...i will not play mine so loud as to irritate you..a lot of time loud music is just another way of saying..look at me..

  4. If you're listening to music, there's no need for you to blast it on full volume and make others listen to it as well. People "have no common courtesy" these days!

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