
Why must "s*x offenders" register, but there's no assault, larceny, vandalism, DWI, or manslaughter registry?

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Why must people who have committed deemed s*x-crimes on adults have to "register" even after doing the time or penalty, even though people who commit other physical assault such as stabbing or beating don't have to register, people who got DWI don't have to register, people who commit vandalism don't have to register, and people who commit manslaughter don't have to register? It is not fair that people whose crimes were sexual must be scarlet lettered worse than having done time and even having a criminal record, as opposed to other crimes, which exposes s*x crime convicts to potential harrassment, and nearly prevents them from re-integrating into society and obtaining a home, as other ex-cons get to do. Is America's obsession with s*x to blame for such draconian measures?




  1. s*x offenders are more likely to repeat than the others

  2. yes i agree with you, drug dealers are just as harmful to a child as a s*x offender, i think it would be a good idea to make all violent crimes register.  

  3. I don't know about where you live, but where I live, people who commit crimes have their own special section of the newspaper. (s*x offenders get their own section, also.) This section details where they live, what they've done, when their court hearing will be, and other statistics about them. This isn't just for the s*x offenders either. For example, if Mr. Bragonbalder was convicted of burning down a house, he gets his picture, his address, his crime, his hearing date, and a profile of him in the news paper. And, ofcourse, people who commit DUI's here have to write that they've commited a DUI on their car or use the police-issued DUI tag.

    That's close enough, isn't it?

  4. Sexual offenders create the most public concern and attract the most media attention. There is a mistaken belief that all s*x offenders will re-offend.  However, studies have shown that high-risk offenders re-offend at a rate of about 14%.

    In my opinion, there is over-supervision of lower risk offenders, whose crimes can include possession of pornography (any kind) or indecent exposure (which could include someone taking a pee in a less-than-private situation).

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