
Why must retailers hide the price of some items and require the consumer to take extra steps to find the cost?

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I have noticed that occasionally in print ads and search results at online stores, instead of listing the price of the item like a majority of the other items for sale, it will have "see details" or "call or visit the store for more information," or something else along those lines.

The items in question tend to be somewhat costlier items that they have apparently deeply discounted, but I could be wrong. Is there some rule of advertising which prevents a retailer from listing a certain price? Or does it have something to do with selling below cost?

I'm just curious about this so I appreciate any info a person knowledgeable about the subject has :)




  1. Often, manufacturer's will ask that if a price is deeply discounted, that a price not be displayed, since it is so far below the MSRP (Manufacturer's suggested retail price)


    Why Don't We Show the Price?

    Manufacturers sometimes ask that retailers not display a price if it drops below a certain amount. The "click here to see price" message indicates that the price of the item is so low that the manufacturer requested that it not be advertised (that is, displayed). In a brick-and-mortar store, you would probably have to ask a salesperson what the price of the product is. At Amazon, by clicking on "click here to see price" you are essentially asking to see the price, at which point we show it to you.

  2. They don't always show price as they want you to go to their site or come to their store and see. That way they get you in and you see other products they have. So if they don't sell you on what originally got you to them they can sell you on something else.

    Sometimes they don't list price because it's not as good as it seems!

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