
Why must the AGW alarmist resort to telling lies and providing false information to try and prove their point?

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It is not slander if it is true.




  1. nice sources and examples

  2. isnt it libel if it's written down love of truth? i guess im pretty alarming at times (ask my ex), can i sue for defamation of character do you think?

  3. My fellow respectful Doctor,

    I have noticed the same behavior about alarmist as well, and it scares me because so many look to these respected people and follow them blindly.

    Look at the number of people who believe in global warming just because Pat Roberson, or Newt Gingrich, or a NASA astronaut say it's true.  Surely these people have no ability to think for themselves.

    Now when someone as regarded as Dr. Stephen Hawkings says the Earth will be 450 degrees and raining sulfuric acid, this concerns me because I know there are people who are going to believe this even though there is no possible way for this to happen.  And I have no doubt that some are sharpening their knives after Ted Turner said that global warming is going to turn us into cannibals.

    The public is exposed to so much of this nonsense that they become unable to sort out the facts.  This causes them to react without knowing if their actions are helpful, but they must react anyway.  This is much like the scare of the Y2K crisis that was to cause planes to drop out of the sky at midnight, banks to lose all their money, and nuclear missiles to spontaneously launch.

    What scares me is that our children are no longer to determine what is true and what is only a scientific guess.  To many of our young, they believe that scientific guesses, or theories, are scientific facts, and objective proof is not needed as long as a majority of scientist agree something is true.

    We should prepare ourselves for more nonsense like this in the future.  No doubt that there's going to be another massive scare in 2012 when the Mayans, the Bible Code, Nostradamus, and the Babylonians all foretold this year as the year for the end of days, and soon there will be a "global calming' scare as "scientists" discover that wind turbines are effecting the climate by taking too much energy out of the winds preventing the normal flow of storms.

    Maybe someday science will get back into class rooms.  We can hope…….

  4. I don't know, I've never run across a Global Warming Alarmist.  If I do I'll ask them,. if I can remember.


    Al Gore?  I should have known.  I thought you were talking about environmentalists or conservationists.  So an AGW is a kind of politician?  I don't know any politicians.  Don't want to either.  There hasn't been a good one since Ike.


    That's right LRG.  Slander is spoken, libel is written down.

  5. Slander much lately.

  6. because if they didn't change the temperature data from 40 to 50 years ago to make it seem it was cooler than it actually was.

    they couldn't claim the temperature today is warmer than then.

    unfortunately for the alarmists most of that data was printed in books so its impossible for them to change all of it.

    their only recourse is to scream & shout loudly in the hope no one will actually look up the old data & find its the same as todays data.

    if your income & professional career depended on convincing everyone that the sky was orange instead of blue wouldnt you try to prevent them from looking out the window?

  7. I do a lot of work with the environmental movement, and I don't think I've ever met the "alarmist" you're talking about.  Most of us are just trying to prevent potential problems before they cause major damage.

    You know, kind of like keeping your eyes on the road while you drive.

  8. I guess since the science isn't on their side their only choice is to lie and invent data to get gullible uninformed people to believe them and then to be scared enough to let the government put extra restrictions and taxation on them.

    It's the same thing as any other socialist ploy.  Socialism has always failed every time it is tried, but they never stop trying it in some form or other.

    The global warming scare is just the latest attempt to get people to give in to total government rule and thus advance socialism.

    And sadly, the environmentalists used to be honorable people, but the movement has been taken over by former soviets who scattered after the cold war was won.  Now they see environmentalism as a way to continue their work.

    Environmentalists have killed untold millions in Africa by getting DDT banned when there was nothing dangerous about it.  So killing millions to malaria is fine with those nuts.

    Even the ozone hole turned out to be natural.  It opens and closes all the time and ozone is actually created by the sun, so how could people think we can destroy it?

    Hopefully people are getting smarter and not falling for all these scare tactics that the fascists who control the environmental movement put out every day.

  9. This is the trick environmentalists have used for decades.  Don't get me wrong -- environmentalists have brought about many positive changes, like getting lead out of paint and gasoline and their efforts for recycling.  The problem is they come out crying doom and gloom and then leap to the "rescue" like Superman, saying "We'll save you!"  It's all about money and power -- they figure if they get enough people to panic they can increase their influence and get people to spend more money on environmental programs that may or may not do any good.

  10. They have nothing else to fall back on.  It's like a child caught red handed with their hand in the cookie jar and then saying they didn't do it.  Then going further and saying "I was in the playground when it happened.  So I couldn't have done it."

    Using fake shots when they can't come up with them in movies because the ice they say is gone is back.  Using old, out-dated models and charts that have been proven false.  They have their selective science down to an art.

    Edit:  Here's an alarmist you've all heard of:  Al Gore.

    Edit:  Nice grody picture, Harry Potter!  Ew.

  11. My favorite example is the guys who discovered the ozone hole.  They predicted the location and the size.  They were scientifically conservative in their estimates.  They got vilified by the industry guys as being alarmist, of having an agenda.  Low and behold, the hole appeared when new satellite technology was deployed, and it was bigger than the original prediction.  So we got the Montreal protocol.

    I suppose you think that's a scam too.

    I want others to know that your questions are a tired old tactic of the reactionary right.  

    Accuse your opponent of the exact thing you are guilty of; as a preemptive attack.  You get the first sound byte and the public get the idea fixed in their mind.  It puts the opposition off guard and forces them into an endless defense that reinforces the original charge.  All this in spite of the fact that it was completely groundless, just made up.


    Look them right in the eye and don't flinch.  It's more convincing that way.

    I'll tell you what I tell all of your ilk.  Not only are you wrong, you are worse than wrong.  

    You are a parasite with no sources and nothing to add; trolling by posting distractions and specious nonsense.  

    Why don't you educate yourself and come back when you have a real argument.

  12. Well, Reagan took away their big scary red monster.  They're just trying to build a new scary monster to make higher taxes seem reasonable.  

    That's basically it.


  13. Thru out history we've always had gloom and doom on the horizon predicted from preacher and more. In fact in the 1970's it was global cooling which was caused by everyone using hairspray and other products similar. The world will go on. climates will change for the hotter and colder better and worse.

  14. We need some evidence for this. Just saying something  you want to be true without evidence to support it doesn't carry any weight unless you're on fox news or talk radio.

  15. I'll let you know when I find an alarmist, but you have to promise me you will actually post some data to prove your assertions (propaganda) and stop portraying a doctor.


    Liss - here is something to fall back on...

    National Academy of Sciences...

    American Geophysical Union...

    Geological Society of America...

    With every mainstream scientific organization around the world with the same position, we don't need to fall back on anything. I think it is you and the rest of the deniers who are on the defensive. Y/A provides deniers with a nice little forum to express your frustration with reality. This is your last refuge, for scientific and public opinion is decidedly against you.

  16. Global Warming, Green junk, NAFTA and Super Extreme Gasoline Prices is just political diversions to wipeout the middle class and wealth redistribution. You people have been warned of self nominated politicians with personal hidin agendas. 9 times out of 10 with very few exceptions, people with burning political ambitions dont have the ideas of majority of American peoples way of life at heart sad..A good  prime example of one that did,,, a true statesman was George Washington in which had no political ambitions whatsoever. George Washington father of our country was practically begged to run for office in the mid to late 1700's. Most know that George had just fought a fearce war with Britian at that time the most powerful army on earth, however all George wanted to do was to be left alone and go home to his family..But no George honored the true call of his countryman and wound up running a succeessfull second term..and sadly they removed his birthday from the calender and replaced it with Presidents day???WTH???.Point is its all most to late for America, anti American polititions with anti-American ways of life are just about to sell us down the river completely for global warming, just matter of time now. When USA Truckers have to march on DC because Mexican truckers are getting fuel vouchers to make the difference in what they pay back in Mexico??? it makes for an unfair market for the middle class American Trucker to survive thus destroying the middle class businessman here...Gas fuel prices continue to sore sky high.. Ask yourself this,, why isnt the Mexican boarder closed and why isnt the Federal Oil Reserve open to offset the soring price of gasoline???ITS THE SORING PRICE OF GASOLINE THATS SLOWLY KILLING OUR ECONOMY!!!Ronald Reagan shot'em down in the mid 1980's and opened the US Oil Reserve to offset or head off economic recession and bring the prices of fuel back down and told the oil tycoons to drink their oil. Global Warming is a political Hoax plain and simple. Guess what its working??? Im leaving a link talking about enviromentalist extremism and political involvement

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