
Why must we all go digital?

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what is it with this,we have no option why is it in time we all have to go digital?




  1. Because analogue TV is an archaic transmission system, that uses up too much bandwidth (6 MHz) and because people want bigger, brighter and sharper TV pictures. What the majority of people want drives the marketplace. What you or I want, as individuals, matters little in a consumer economy. By the way, I remember when there was only B&W TV and color sets were too expensive for us poor folk. I'm looking forward to HD.

  2. So we have to waste more money on rubbish tv.

  3. Because the quality is far superior to what can be done with analog transmission.  AM radio is presently limited to a bandwidth of less than 5 kHz -- not much more than a telephone (4 kHz).  Digital will permit a bandwidth of 20 kHz -- and it will be static free.

  4. because it means that the fat cats can make more money out of us by exposing us to more and more digital pay per view channels - see USA TV

  5. the 'airwaves' are a bit like the motorways , they can only handle a certain amount of traffic before they clog up.

    each broadcast takes up a certain amount of room so theres a limit as to how many different services can broadcast before the airwaves are totally clogged up.  

    analogue signals are quite wasteful of airwave space compared with digital.

    mobile phone companies in particular are demanding bigger  and bigger chunks of the airwaves for their ever increasing number of customers which means that something else has got to go first.

    consequently a huge chunk of useful airwave space thats currently being used by analogue tv broadcasters can be sold for lots of money by the government to the mobile phone companies.

  6. Dear Miss Kitty,

    Er, actually this is the 'Radio' section.  

    In Britain there are no plans to close down analogue radio transmitters, only television ones.

    You only need to 'go digital' with radio if you want to listen to digital-only stations (of which 99.9% are c**p) and the reception is not as good as with a good strong analogue FM signal anyway.

    Apart perhaps from BBC7, the BBC World Service and Oneword (all of which you can receive through the Freeview box on your telly) can you think of a single digital-only station worth the cost of even the cheapest DAB radio in Asda?  

    I can't!

  7. sorry but we need to move with the times, like it or not

  8. What we are able to do to-day with wireless communication, would be impossible to do, without digitisation.

    For example if we compare the digitised system (new present) of to-day with old system (analog), in case of any communication we are able to have more use out of single wave length.

    Radio station frequency: Under analog system when a radio station was broadcasting on say 48 k Maga HZ, it was actually any thing within certain fix rage on either side of 48 K Maga Hz. (say 42 to 53)

    After perfecting the digitisation we can have many station almost infinite number of them for 48 K Maga Hz alone.

    example 48.1, ------48.9. and then 48.11, -------48.91 and then 48.111 and so on.

    The amount of load  demand that we use digitised system only.

  9. LOL at these people who say 'it'll support upto 20khz bandwidth ha ha.

    Do you seriously have any comprehension of how much bandwidth is available and how much would be required for stations transmitting up to 20khz audio frequencies?

    It will never happen, it'll be ages before digital radio sounds any better than a pis5 poor quality MP3 file.

    Face facts.

    PS: Radio interference and noise is not 'static'.

  10. The Chinese radio manufactories need the business!

  11. world we are living now is so digital..... Technology is

    changing  everyday .... who ever came up with such making us so digital  and next before we know it will be thinking in Remote control kinda way ... no waste of thinking using our Brain ...but maybe will be forced to think and work like machines nowadays ...

    will be like in that movie THE STEPFORD WIFES .....LIVING IN A DIGITAL WORLD !!  lol

  12. It's all about the money Kitty x*x

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