
Why must we live in a organised and clean house and invorenment?

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Why must we live in a organised and clean house and invorenment?




  1. If you want to stay healthy and clean.....

    and being organized is a form of discipline. which not many people have.

    Who the h**l wants to live in a nasty smelly cluttered small place? Not me.

  2. 1st if it is organized then you can fine the things you are looking for.

    2nd if the house is clean then you don't have to worry about anything living with you that you don't want to be living with you.  like rodents, bugs, germs.

    3rd. environment well, that's a whole other story.

  3. It is a society and health thing. You really do not but it will affect your health and people will not want to visit you.  Dust mites, vermin, insects, bacteria will infest your home if you do not clean it.  Do what you will but but don't expect your friends to like to come to your home if it is a s**+*hole.

  4. You don't have to live in a clean, organized house or environment. You can choose. However, a clean and organized house is better for you and your family for many reasons. It's healthier, both physically and mentally. It's more attractive, less embarrassing if someone sees it, therefore you're inclined to be more social. It reduces stress and wasted time and energy looking for things that are misplaced. You and your family are likely to be happier and enjoy life and each other more. It sets a better example for kids. It saves money, as things don't get broken  as easily or lost and you have to buy replacements. It is actually very freeing to control your environment and your house instead of it controlling you. And I know personally if your house is messy and dirty and disorganized, it does control you.

  5. Because cleaning houses gives someone with your limited intelligence and education a job.

  6. Actually you don't have to. You're exempt.

  7. if its not clean and organised, you stress out because you cant find things you want to find, and you are always tripping over things and you are not as comfortable. even when you dont think its bothering you, you are being affected by your environment. lyke if you go to a field in sunset and its really pretty u feel refreshed and comfortable and maybe even happy. jus the same if you go into a messy kitchen and theres a pizza box in the corner and theres a roach crawlin up the wall and u cant find the roach spray in that pile of stuff under ur sink, obviously u'll feel frustrated and angry and probably grossed out.

       its been proven that ppl who live in organized places hav less stress and liv longer and r happier. but being too organized it jus as bad, then theres no room for adjusting and feeling free.

  8. I don't and I'm perfectly fine... I think. :S

  9. Your choice is simply that!  You can decide to live in the woods, cardboard box, filthy hovel or a nice organized clean home.  There are no laws that demand that outside of the vagrancy laws and becoming a nuisance to society.  Remember this, "people do what they want to do".  You can make poor choices and suffer the consequences all of your life or get with it and start planning to make some good life choices.  Most societies choose the good life choices.

  10. Since you can't spell, you would not understand the necessity of living like a human being.

    Continue to live in your filthy hovel, just try and keep the smell down so as not to disturb the neighbors.

  11. we dont if we dont want to,there is no law about it

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