
Why my 2 year old site is not being ranked for main keywords?

by  |  earlier

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I have a website that sells postcards and business cards. It has been up and running for two, but it just does not rank for the keywords "business cards". I optimized every page on the site and the keyword density is normal. I must admit that I do not have many sites linking to mine. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.




  1. It seems like you know.  Web crawlers can only crawl from link to link; they generally don't go looking for unlinked webpages.

    If you  have a friend with a website or blog, have him do a bit of advertising.  Alternately, slip a link in somewhere on Answers... it get crawled all over, it seems.

  2. Without spending some time analysing your site I can't give you a proper answer - try brwosing at 299 Steps to Website Heaven - for tips on promoting your site

  3. Quality links are really essential.  Take a look around at the allied sites , i.e., not in the same field of business as yourself but a site with whom you have an affinity.

    Also the site below will help you with marketing.  It starts local and spreads worldwide and costs next to nothing.

    Best of luck.

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