
Why my 3 years old daughter do not know to pronounce K?

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my 3 years old duaghter, Car she say Tar, Keep say t*t, KaKak say TaTa, we did teach her hard enough but still the same, Why like this?




  1. Who knows.

    I used to s***w up my R's.

    When they get enrolled in school they'll be placed in "Speech Class", or if you make subtle hints to her s******g up while speaking now (and give her something special, like candy or something) she'll likely fix her speech herself.

  2. She's only 3, I wouldn't worry, she still has time. Some letter sounds are harder for some than others, every child develops at his or her own pace. Forcing her to try to learn how to pronounce the sound will only frustrate her and she won't want to try anymore. Just let it be, it will come eventually.

  3. There is no hope, you know what you must do now.

  4. My son was the same way.  Does you county have a place to go for assistance?  My dr. set me up  with a group from county assistance that came to my home once a week and helped my son with his speech.  It was wonderful!  It was very relaxing and comfortable for everyone.  All the woman did was bring toys for him and let him play.  They would talk about the toys, and as she talked to him and as he would answer, she would give me pointers on how to help him in the area he needed help in.  Talk to you dr to get the numbers in you county.  My son is now one of the  best readers in his class and always brings home 100% in his spelling test.  Don't wrorry, your son will be fine.

  5. Very often this sort of speech problem will correct itself. When she says "tar", you can say "Yes- we're getting in the car." Repeat it back to her and put emphasis on the "k" sound.

    Don't tell her "no" and try to make her say it correctly as, at this age, it will make her more self-conscious and less likely to speak at all. It's likely a physical delay that she can't help.

    My dd had some speech articulation problems (r and s) and she had therapy in grade K and 1. The speech therapist gave us exercises to do at home, but I didn't run around correcting her in public all the time. I did, however, take great care to pronounce things clearly when speaking to her.

    It is not that unusual for a 3 yr old to have difficulties with the |k| sound. It is usually developed in about 75% of 3 yr olds, so you may find that she corrects it herself very soon. If not, I would talk to her doctor and ask for a referral for speech assessment. They will be able to tell you if this delay is normal at her age. If she needs help with her speech, they can provide therapy. I don't believe it is something a parent should do at home without instruction and follow-up with a speech-language pathologist.

  6. If she can't produce the 'k' and 'g' at all, she might have a phonological process known as fronting. k/g are produced in the back of the oral structures (near the pharynx) and the t/d are produced in the front.

    Is that the only issue she has with specific sounds?

    I suggest placing a tongue depressor, popsicle stick, or something similar on her tongue. This will keep her from raising her tongue to produce t/d. Then model the /k/ for her. You can even tell her that the sound comes from the back, and point to your throat. Run a few drills.

    If this becomes an issue, take her to see a speech pathologist. :)

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