
Why my 4 year old rocks?

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My 4 year old has "rocked" since she was a baby.She gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth or side to side.She used to do it on the floor when she was playing and now she does it to go to sleep fast.Has anyone ever heard of that before?Do you think rocking her in a rocking chair started that?Any reason why she would still be doing that or what started it?




  1. i've been rocking snce i was four as im not autistic its just a comforting thing like sucking on your thumb i've been doing it since my mom and dad got divorced

  2. I've seen autistic kids do that.

  3. lol...I thought you meant 'rocks' like 'rock on!'  I'm sorry, long as you don't notice any other behavior that you find curious I would chalk it up to her just soothing herself, some kids twirl there hair, play with there ear ect...if you are really concerned then bring it up to the pediatrician.   It can never hurt to ask  :^)

  4. My brother did this his entire childhhod, and occasionally still does it at 25 if he is stressed out and distracted.  It's a self comforting action.  

    It's good that she can do that herself.  But you may want to talk to someone about helping her learn other ways also, so it doesn't cause peer reactions as she gets older.  

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