
Why my 6 years old grade schooler son always cry everytime i take him in the school?

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i have my 6 years old son who always cry everytime i leave him in the school. on our way to the school he looks fine but when i'm about to leave him , he start crying? any thoughts?




  1. this also happened to me.

    actually it happens to alot of kids, i see it whenever i go to my sisters school.

    just like the other person said, please dont leave without saying goodbye. i was always terrified my mum would do that.

    sometimes i got a candy or something after school and that always made me feel better.

    possibly if you drop him off so he'll be with his friends when you have to leave he might not get so upset. but also make sure they wont tease him if he does cry. :-)

  2. When did this start.  Its usually because he misses but sometimes when they are crying, especially ir they start all of the sudden, something is going on.  One time I was watching this show that has drama episode based on something that really happened.  Well there was this little girl who was crying and screaming when her mom would take her.  The mom was very ignorant.  You not but that mom was telling her to stop being a baby becuase she would also wet the bed and never bothered to ask the girl why she was acting like.  It turned out that the teacher(male) was touching her face and then he would ask her to leave out the class.  They never showed what he did to her but she was screaming alot.  Years passed and the mom found out by another person  that teacher sexually abused random girls.  Maybe you might want talk to you son about whats going on.  He could be getting bullied or abused by one of faculty or staff.

  3. ask your son what will make him feel better, then try it. I've known kids taken there moms shirt with them, pictures, socks, and jewelry. it was part that was comfort for them in the chaos of school, learning, and peers.

  4. give him a could also tell him everything is okay and u will be back soon......encourage him by sayin how fun school is!

  5. He has separation anxiety.

    Give him a special treat every day that he doesn't make a fuss.

    Don't make the goodbye long when you get at school. The more attention he gets from you when he does it, the more he'll do it. Act as if he isn't crying, and reassure him that you'll see him at the end of school, then leave. You should tell his teacher about this problem so he or she can help as well.

    Whatever you do, don't slip away without saying goodbye.

    Just make the goodbye short and sweet.

    I hope everything works out alright =)

  6. That was me in kindergarten. I had never spent much time around kids my age prior to that though so it was a major shock to my system! And no one outside of family ever watched after me either. I cried every morning when I was dropped off. It DOES get better though, trust me. Maybe try an incentive. I've done this with my own kids when I drop them off at daycare~~they've both gone through their phases of crying when mom leaves. It can be something small like if there's no crying for a week, you'll go for ice cream or do something fun he likes. Maybe a new (smaller) toy or game or something of the sort too. It's going to take time though. Just do your best to stay strong through this, I know it's really hard right now when he cries, but it will get better!!

  7. Seems to me this happens alot because kids this age are not ready to be away from mom for so long. Nothing will change until the school system starts to realize this and raises the attendance age a year or two. I don't have any advice on how to handle this. My 11 year has been homeschooled his whole life and when my 7 year old wanted to go to public school this year I let her, but she started doing this halfway through the year and after about a week of it my heart couldn't take it anymore and I took her out. She never cries when she goes to friends houses, or to other classes, or bible school, so I think it was just that the school day was far to long for her to be away.

  8. Maybe he just misses you but I guess the worst thing that could be happening is maybe he is being abused? I would talk to the principal about it and the school counseller

  9. He probably misses you. Maybe you could give him a picture of the two of you to carry around at school?

  10. I sent a picture of my self in a little photo book for my son to take to school...he had this problem at the beginning of the school year (he was 6). Then he taped my picture to his desk and got rid of the photo album...One idea may be to get a picture key chain and have him clip it to his backpack. You may want to get a key chain that is easy for him to remove by himself, so he can then keep it in his pocket or at his desk, when he doesn't have his backpack. It worked for my son.

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