
Why my canary bird didn't tuck his head under his wing while he sleeping ?is this normal ?

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every day my new canary sleep ,while he sleep he didn't tuck his head under his wing, his head stay out ,and he make me feel sad about him ,but he is fine all day his eating very good ,and he didn't look like he sick ,i dont know if you have any idea about that.and thank you veru much.




  1. IT IS NORMAL =] i had two healthy birds and neither of them tucked in their heads. they were parakeets but that wouldnt make a difference. so no worries. =]

  2. birds will sleep however they want to if they are comfortable, you dont need to worry because every bird sleep differently, i had a love bird that used to sleep sitting on the bottom of the cage and not on a perch

  3. a happy and content canary will perch on one leg, curl up into a ball and tuck his head to sleep.

    if you even have the slightest concerns please seek and avian vet. i highly recommend one because i think you will need all of the educational materials you can get on their basic care and behaviors. you need to check some books out at the library and read up them too.

    try covering the cage, keep the lights dim and make the his room quiet! he is being kept awake and birds MUST have 12-14hrs of sleep.

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