
Why my child always cry when i drop him in the school?

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my child is in grade 1 and he is 6 years old now. evrerytime my husband and i drop him to the schoo, when we leave him there he always cry. any advice is much appreciated.




  1. I agree, talk to the teacher and tell her you're open to her suggestions.  It could be that your child is very shy and having a hard time, or it could be that your child is having a hard time saying goodbye because he knows it's hard on mommy.  As a teacher, I've had to suggest to parents of very shy children that the parents try and set up playdates with other children outside of school so the kid can make a friend in a one-on-one situation so they feel more comfortable at school having a friend in the crowd.  I've had other times when I've had to tell parents that their lingering and hugging and walking their child in and constant reassuring was feeding their child's tears and making for a long painful goodbye.  

    Think about your child's personality.  Does your child cry at other places (church, babysitter's, etc.) when being left alone?  Is your child struggling with the workload?  Did your child attend kindergarten or is this the first time he's away from you and having to meet behavioral expectations for a long time each day.

  2. Why don't you ask the teacher what is going on or try to find out what might be the reason for crying. There has got to be a reason. Maybe he is unhappy, kids bothering him, feels it is too hard, etc. It is time for a teacher's conference.

  3. we'll there could be a little case of discrimination.

    i know lots of little kids who get left out of games, made fun of and hurt (emotionly). this may be because he is a bit different? try talking to the teacher or asking him. maybe the teacher may be able to watch him to see what the problem is.

    a almost good reason is that you and your wife have taken very good care of him that he is soo attached to you that he doesn't want to be seperated.

    he might be confused and think that you may never come back. or  you treat him so well (not saying he is spoilt ) that school is almost an unfriendly environment.

    hope this helps

  4. Boys have a hard time sitting still all day in a desk, especially at such a young age. He also may not feel "love" from his teacher. I mean he came from a home with loving parents, to this school  where no one really loves him like that. It's a big transition.

    I'd definately talk about it with him when he comes home, like after homework, during snack time, while playing basketball, or dinner preparation time. See what he feels and thinks would help him in the mornings. Maybe he needs to get up earlier.

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