
Why my cousin looks like Hippopotamus?

by Guest64896  |  earlier

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Why my cousin looks like Hippopotamus?




  1. HE IS ONE!

  2. Ya know, sometimes cousins have very similar features. It's a good possiblity that you look like a hippo too. Take a second look in the mirror :)

  3. haha thats hilarious

    just made me laugh

  4. Perhaps that cousin needs to visit and a dentist and a dietician.

  5. they're adopted... from the zoo? ... and treated like a kid?

    or are you saying they're that cute and baby-like... with little, stick-up ears and somewhat large teeth?

    I don't know why your cousin looks like a Hippo, to be honest :-)

  6. 'Cos his mum looks like a Hippopotamus

  7. Yeah sure and my cousin looks like a monkey.Well actually yeah he does.Well anyway maybe your cousin needs to lose a few pounds you know-bringing out the treadmill,lifting some weights,walking from the couch to the gym,and eating a carrot every once and a while.Give him/her maybe ten years and they'll be down to only 500 pounds.

  8. Some people are born fat while some are made. If your cousin is one of the 'made' ones, take him/her to a dietitian and ask him to suggest a diet for your cousin. If your cousin follows the diet and is keen on becoming fit, he will.

    Encourage him that he can do it.

    Have a good day!



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