My 31/2 yr daughter first started her ballet class last 2 months. She likes and loves it so much. As a mother with dancing background, I can see that she really has potential in this area( her teacher give the same comment too) . Because my girl insisted that I stay in the class with her, so I did since the 1st lesson (there're other mothers too) but did tell her to be prepare that eventually I'll have to leave when she's ready.
Last week, during the class, she wasn't cooperate with teacher
and she kept coming to me. After few attempts to stop her doing so failed, I decided to remove her out from the class. After that we had a heart talk. She said she wants to continue learning so she promised she wouldn't behave like this again. So I sent her for class again today, unfortunately she repeated the same thing. If you have experience dealing with cases like this, please help!