
Why my dynamite crape myrtle buds are white and not opening?

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I live in the suburb of Atlanta and it is very hot now. We bought and plant 2 crape myrtle a week ago and now some buds are turning white when the flowers are red and on the other tree the buds are green and are just not opening and their leaves are curled. Could it be powder mildew, but they are supposed to be resistant to that disease?! Do you think the plant might be dying or some fungicide or else will help it to be healthy? Also I don't see any new growth of leaves but some buds just stay green and don't open or are white. Thanks for any help




  1. crepe myrtle flowers come in many different shades of red, purple, pink and even white.

  2. probably a combination of the stress from being relocated and the heat.

    it is a little late in the year to transplant crape myrtles. you will defiantly have to fight the heat. water well and dont apply water to the foilage

  3. transplant shock and powdery mildew.  yes, even highly resistant cultivars still get it. no new growth = stress=shock.  you will have to replant them and tamp down the backfill firmly.  spray with fungicide.  mine did the same thing in athens and now they are fine

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