
Why my gum bleeds very often after getting veneers done

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I got a few dental veneers done 6 months ago. Even though i floss and brush right after meals, my gum still bleed very often. My cleaning and check up is not due until next month. I am so worried because i never had any gum problems before getting veneers done. Will i loose my teeth later on if my gum keep bleeding? Will dental veneers cause tooth loss?




  1. Hello, As rule we would consider bleeding gums as a sign of gum disease. We would then consider the overall health of the person. What people don't realize is that when your body is having health problems, one of the first places it shows up visually is in your mouth...When was the last time you went to a Dr and the "first" thing you was told to do was open wide and Ahhhh??....In your case we would look at the edges of the Veneers to see if they were irritating your gum tissue...They could be slightly "over extended" or the cementation used to bond them to the natural teeth may have oozed out at the edges and that may have created a bit of a rough edge that could certainly irritate the gum tissue, especially when you brush...Now, on the other hand, if your gum tissues aren't being properly nourished by a good diet you may need to bolster your diet by taking vitamins....Actually, just about everyone should be using good vitamins to keep their bodies at an optimum good health condition....There are many and the one you want is one that provides vitamins A<E<B<C<D and Zinc...Taking such a supplement will quickly make a difference in the health of your oral tissues.  Good luck and I wish you well.

  2. If enough tooth hasn't been removed for the veneer, when the veneer is cemented in place, the tooth now is over contoured and the emergence profile of the tooth is not correct.  What this means is that an unhealthy shape is given to the tooth, so that food and bacteria are kept at the gumline instead of moved away from it.  This will irritate your gums.

    It could also be that some cement has been left under the gums and is being a local irritant causing chronic gignvitis (the bleeding).

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