
Why my hamster is shaking,but he still eating and and running so whats wrong with him?

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Why my hamster is shaking,but he still eating and and running so whats wrong with him?




  1. i don't know if you can compare a hamster to a gerbil, but my gerbil started to do that too - he's probably having seizures  

  2. Maybe he's cold.What is the temperature in your house? You should take him to a vet. Also he could be old or have some kind of sickness.

  3. could be old age, fear or draft

  4. Maybe too cold for him, too noisy. How old is he? They only live for an average of 2 years, so maybe he's old?

  5. If he is about 2 years old he might be having a sesiour because i had a hamster who did that and then he died.. you might want to bring him to the vet

  6. he could be haveing seasures... how old is he?

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