
Why my mum being like this?

by Guest65405  |  earlier

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She's always shouting at me,whenever I ask for money she never has any but it's obvious she does,she's always paranoid and angry.

But she's really nice to my younger brother :/




  1. i guess you should ask your dad then =)

  2. im on the same boat. my mom doesn't even give me money for lunch -.- i thinks moms are just like that.

  3. While your mother may have money, she may really need it for regular expenses and not have any to spare for whatever you may want, Try earning your own by baby sitting or helping neighbors with chores or yard work. I used to feel really bad when I couldn't give my kids what they asked for and it made me feel a little cranky.too, to be  be asked. Maybe, your brother doesn't ask her for money the way you do.

  4. You are the oldest and that is why.  I have a younger sister i know how you mean.  As you grow up she will become a better mum, you will understand each other more.

    I would try and get yourself a small job on a market or something then you wont have to ask her for any money and keep out of her way then she cant shout as much.

    Easier said than done (i know).

  5. You didn't state how old you are but a couple of things come-to-mind,O.K.: Does your younger brother ask for money? 'Sorry,but WHAT makes you think you're ENTITLED to money just because you WANT it? Are you old enough to babysit?Work at a fast-food place?

    Mow lawns?Shovel snow?(for examples) And,just be-

    cause you see that she "has" money does NOT mean it is EXTRA money;ALL of it may be needed for house-

    hold expenses for all you know!Does she DISCUSS the

    household budget with you-I'm SURE NOT!

    If you "give her an attitude",as you "sound" like you DO,you CAN'T expect her NOT to be "hostile"& UNre-

    sponsive to what you want! She sounds like a SINGLE

    MOTHER trying to support 2 children alone,or with a

    husband that is not very responsible,or just a woman who is VERY,VERY UNHAPPY-& doesn't realize the

    effect on you;it may be you LOOK/ACT a lot,like your

    Dad;I know that's the way it was for me;I look exactly

    like my Dad,who spent "his life"in bowling alleys,so her

    anger was directed at ME,the oldest (& his "clone") as

    he took ME with him "everywhere"! I was his"pride & joy".

      Have you tried to talk to your Mom,without "whining" a-

    bout what you WANT?Have you/do you help-in-the-house? Do you TRY to be "close" to her AT ALL,or are

    YOU "distant"to her as well?

      At least TRY to visualize her possible reasons for the way she is if you're mature enough to;she may have a

    LOT of thinks constantly(financially)to deal with that you know NOTHING about,don't forget. If you know that

    you DO love your mom,no matter how difficult it is, TALK TO HER;not resolving this matter,or at least,"com

    ing to terms"with it can cause a LIFETIME of estrange-

    ment between the two of you.  Good luck.  

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