
Why my open questions became to undecided questions?

by  |  earlier

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I am new here, I need your help to know how to use this website well.Thanks. I want my questions can keep staying openly, is that possible?




  1. You only have a certain amount of days to pick a best answer. You will get an email a day or so ahead of time to warn you that you have to choose a best answer or extend the answer to last a few more days. Once the question goes past the deadline without you picking a best answer, it goes into the Vote on Undecided Questions section. As the person who wrote the answer, you also have the ability to put the question to vote, which means it will go directly to the Vote on Undecided Questions section.

    You can't leave your questions open forever. Can you imagine if everybody could do that? The place would be even more overloaded with unresolved questions.

    ADDED: Once in the Voting section, you can't select a best answer, but you can vote for one.

    Also, this is what Yahoo Answers is all about when asking a question: posting a question and selecting a best answer.

    SECOND ADDITION: There are a certain number of hours that have to go by after you have posted a question. After those hours (2? can't remember--if you go to the main Yahoo Anwers page and go into the Help section (upper right-hand corner), I'm sure you'll be able to find the specifics), when you visit your question, each response will have something to click on that says "Select as Best Answer" (or something like that--sorry, I don't have an active question to look at). It's usually best to wait a few days, then read through all the answers and select the one you like the best.

    If they're all good and you don't know which one you want to pick, then you put the question to vote, or let it go to vote, and other members will vote on their favourite answers and the one with the most votes after a couple of days is determined Best Answer.

  2. Is not possible for a question to stay open for a long time,

    you can add a few extra time (about a week)  but thats it

  3. it only stays open for about a week and you pick the best answer and then they get ten points  good luck and welcome

  4. You didn't pick a best answer?

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