
Why my pens so big?!!1?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I'm confused as to how you forgot to spell "why" when you got to the add more details part of your question... I'm guessing your pens (or maybe "pen," the 1 removes the plural in this rare form of English you are speaking) are so big because you went shopping at the Stationary for Giants Depot again when you could have just gone to Staples (I'm guessing it was to save a few bucks-- shame on you)!

  2. suck a d**k

  3. I know. I have that problem too.

    I went to the store to go school shopping, and I was like "I want to try out these big pens!".

    When I got home, and finally tried them out, they really aren't as amazing as I'd expected them to be. I went and got a refund from my big pens and I think you should too! : )

    Yeah you're an idiot.....

  4. why is my pencil so big?

  5. bitc*...u tell me...

    idiot people dis days...

  6. really i want a big pen!!!!  

  7. so it will last the whole school year without running out of ink.

  8. Because you are lucky.  It's a VERY good thing.  Enjoy it all the time and be glad its big.

    Kind thoughts,


  9. The stationary store must sell smaller pens. Just ask the checkout assistant.

  10. I saw a really huge pen at walgreens, but it's hard to handle and you can get things really messy if you have one too big.

  11. Because you inherited it from your mum.

  12. uz your dad probably got a mamnum too. Good for fun but i think the trojan magnums are more money so youll need to work that extra hour for that extra couple dollars then you can buy the Magnums

  13. A big pen is nothing to be ashamed of! If you've got it ..flaunt it. Write checks, sign autographs. Be proud of your pen size!!

  14. You should go to  pen island dot com ( all in one word )

  15. Buy smaller pens in future.

  16. wtf?

  17. This is a ridiculous question.

  18. My pens are usually small. Where do you purchase yours?

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