
Why my pool pump gets air when I connect the vacum to the skimer?

by  |  earlier

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I have inspected the vacum hose and it's seams to be OK. This only happends with the vacum. Normal skimer operaton is OK.




  1. If you're sure the vacuum hose has no pinholes, the next thing I would check would be the gasket under the pump lid.  Replace it if any black comes off in your hands when your pull it through your fingers.  The reason being, the pump has to work harder to draw the water through the hose in addition to the normal skimmer plumbing (an additional 40-50 ft or so depending on the length of the hose.)  This additional draw may be enough to let the lid suck air.  (I've seen it happen.)  Cracks in the pump lid, housing, or a worn pump seal might cause this as well.  

    This same issue could be your main drain problem as well (other question...)

  2. well first off,do you fill vac hose with water before you attach to skimmer?..if so,then meechum above sounds correct in his assesment...heres a few more tips in that regard:

  3. Maybe there's something wrong with the pipe, drainage pipe, or pool pump itself? Are there any holes in it.

    Is there maybe something clogging these plumbing objects that are causing hte air bubble?

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