
Why my son so slow in learning things??

by  |  earlier

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My son now is 17++ month old, when I ask him question and telling him something, most of the time, he did not give me reaction. He did not know to move his head to say yes/no, but he know to give other reaction to show he dont want something and he know to ask people to do something for him. When he is 9 month old, he use to wave hand to people, but now he refuse, even flying kiss also dont know how. Is this a big problem or is normal??? Is it development for a child is different among each child???




  1. dont worry as every child differs from the other child and also in learning things also so he may take some time more for this but once he will start u will not be able to stop him as i have seen the cases with my own eyes that those who started speaking late  but when they started  they talk too much

  2. If you think he is losing skills, talk to your doctor right away. If he just isn't paying attention to you, then that's pretty normal. if you really are worried talk to your doctor.  

  3. Honey, he's only a year and a half old. Most tods don't form their speech until they're at least two.

    If he was introduced to something else, and very into it, he may've just been too busy to respond with a head turn or something. Don't expect he's going to reply to you with a college answer.. for instance, if the question is, "What is your favorite color?" Don't expect him to answer, "My favorite color is blue because it mostly represents masculinity and being a male, I  would rather have a masculine color as my favorite." That's almost ridiculous.

    Just allow some time, try another time to ask him a simple, toddler question, or just a very simple toddler conversation. Don't expect "I love you more than my life itself. You are my world." Of course, I bet that's how he feels, but he can't explain that to you just yet. Be patient.

    Hope it helps a little..

  4. you are coming into the terrible twos...he's wanting to be more independent so he'll do it the way he wants to. Don't's normal. He'll come out of it when he's ready so don't rush him either!

  5. I'd say be patient with him and let him grow some more. He may be I was. I was shy until high school...didn't like to communicate...had trouble socializing with people. He may just not be interested in things he use to be interested in. Teach him a new skill...

  6. ask your child's doctor but I doubt it

  7. each child develops at a different rate from the next.  he'll probably pick it all up in his own time. if you are very worried ask your doctor to test him,  but i wouldnt panic yet - my husband, for instance, didnt walk until he was over two years old.  there was nothing wrong - he just didnt want to do it until he was ready.  and my eldest son never said a word until he was over two years - then i couldnt shut him up!

  8. Your son's story is similar to my son's. I was also very worried about it. Everyone (including his Dr @ that time) told me my son wa ok. Since my son wasn't verbal by his 18 months, I took him to a Speech Therapy who sent me to an Audiologist who told me my son's hearing was ok, but I should call Early Intervention for a complete evaluation. So, I did so... My son was diagnosed with Autism (specific PDD)... Since his 28 months he has been receiving therapies (Occupational, Speech, & Developmental). He's 3 now, & look like things are going to be ok. Well, I hope so...

    I'm telling you all this to suggest you to call the agency in your state that works with children under 3. In most state it's called Early Intervention (Easter Seals). They will evaluate him completely & telling you what it's his problem, if any (evaluation is free). They will also provide him with the rigth treatment he may need (treatment is afforable, or even free if your income qualify for it)... It's better to know earlier than too late if it's something wrong in our children's development.

    And yes, It's trust that every child development is different, but when a child used to do things that now he/she isn't doing it's a big concern

  9. The examples you've given there are not cause for concern. If he was not wanting to interact with others at all it could be a sign of autism but it sounds like he just doesn't understand some of your questions. That is perfectly normal. I'm 32 years old and I'm still having trouble understanding your question.

  10. if your sooooo conserned about this go to like the child brain doctor or something

  11. Hey just be patient. He's only 17 months old not fully developed. Yes each child is different. Some kids start out very slow and others start out fast. It may even take 10 years for him to catch up but he'll get there

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