
Why my sperm is transparent..and my friend is white ? ?

by Guest61973  |  earlier

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why why why ?




  1. Why the **** did you see your friends sperm? thats ****** up dude your g*y...

  2. You shouldn't know this about your friend.

  3. i think it a little F.u.c.k.e.d up that you seen your friends sperm.. WHY?     and every man's sperm is different.. i'm a girl and i know this...  

  4. Mine is one or the other at different times. It's normal. Your friend probably would tell you his is transparent sometimes too if you asked him. Not a big deal.

  5. everybody has different sperm, during sexual excitement the sperm go through a tube and other stuff is added, then it is called s***n, dont worry everybody has different s***n. sumtimes, your s***n might be gloopy, sumtimes it may be very viscous. its normal. it just works like that!!!!!!

    Dont worry m8!

  6. please , contact  a good doctor.

    because a healthy sperm are sticky , looks like whitiesh and sticky gum ,means which we use for stiking paper.

    your's looks like transparent , it is not healthy .

    please immediatelly contact a good doctor.

    because it is related to your s*x relation.

  7. i  think blood angel is right man when u looking at ur  mate sprems thats wrong just wrong    everyone is different  thats all i can say

  8. Wait, what's the connection between your sperm and your friend's race?

  9. you guys show each other sperm to each other.  wow, how freaky are you, maybe you both help each other to get it out, mmmmm what's the question, many things cause it to take on different texture and color.  perhpas you and your friend can start a local club and the two of you can investigate sperm colors from the members.

  10. is matter to u both?

  11. d**n....give the kid a break.  Every guy's s***n goes through stages as he develops.

  12. There could be a number of reasons. First off it could be to do with his diet. It's not your sperm that's white, it's your s***n. The s***n contains a relatively small amount of sperm in comparison with the amount produced. It may be also that you m********e a lot and he never does. Or it can also have to do with how excited you are when you ejaculate. Don't worry about it.

  13. transparent color is the s***n

    more white is sperm.

    you could have ejaculated recently while your friend haven't.  Chances are you jerked off more s***n than sperm.

    And how the heck you happen to see your friend's sperm. lol.

  14. I'm not sure.  It could relate to sperm count.

    The real test is taste.  If one tastes sweeter than the other, then its sperm count is lower.  If one tastes saltier than the other, then its sperm count is higher.

    You don't need a whole lot to taste it - just a dab on your finger should do the trick.  

    Good luck!

  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    lmao just too freaky hahaa

  16. You know about your friend why...?

  17. every 1 is diff y u seen ur mates sperm is the problem lol

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