
Why negotiate an international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions if the worst polluters don't ratify it?

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The international community sanctions countries through the UN for what the economically powerful states (usually the security council) consider transgressions, either legal or moral. In view of the long term effect on the bio-sphere (which includes humanity) of CO2 emissions, these can be considered agents (not weapons) of mass destruction, so why is the USA not being sanctioned for its blatant disregard for world ecology? The self-styled 'world police' only seems to have its own best interests at heart whilst citing 'world safety' as a reason for most of its international policy. In my opinion this is a case of dual standards which must be addressed before global warming becomes an irresolvable problem on a world-wide scale.




  1. I agree the usa produces 25% of harmful emmisions yet contains only 5 % of the planets population.

    They will not agree to Kyoto agreements.

    Maybe the should face sanactions, they are very willing to place them on the rest of us if it suits them.

  2. its all been made up so dont worry,jebus loves you!!

  3. The UN has long ago outlived its usefulness. It's just a political beast now.

  4. You (and some others here) are right that Kyoto isn't doing the job.

    We need a new treaty.  Now that the scientific evidence that global warming is a real and serious threat to all is overwhelming, I think we can get one.

    The "Montreal Protocol" to protect the ozone layer shows international environmental treaties can work.

  5. I spent some time last year in India, and i feel for all the recycling, all those cutting back of CO2, every single little thing we are doing here in the UK is a complete waste of time when you see what's going on there.

    Taking just the roads as an example, they are packed solid with old vehicles billowing out clouds thick black smoke to an extent where it looks foggy and you can taste it.

    There are very few car of less than 10 years old, i can't start to explain how bad it is.

    Driving around there were huge areas where i covered my mouth with my shirt because the air was so bad, and this is inside the car with the windows closed.

    Everything we are doing is a tiny drop in the ocean while countries like this continue as they are.

  6. its all hype anyway, there isnt really a problem as big as they say, its just another conspiracy in the grand scheme of things that allows governments to dictate even more to us about how we live and of course to tax us with 'Green' taxes.  Its all bollox and is about making money and getting the oil to last longer.

    if all the developed western countries stopped producing co2 completely, it wouldn't make any difference because of the rate that the developing countries are pumping it into the air.

    I wish people would stop being blinded by the so called facts.  do your own reseach people and then do the maths and you will see.

  7. OH.... I thought you were talking about China and India.  I see by the text under the question that you were talking about the US.  

    Well..... If China, India, and other emerging economic powers want to step up to the negotiating table with some 'real' reductions of their own, then maybe the US would be willing to "play along".



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