
Why no Mention of Bush/Cheney last night @ RNC?

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You would think that the illustrious leaders that got us to the HERE AND NOW that they were all whining and crying about last night would be relevant to the topic at hand.




  1. Probably because neither one is running in this election. The Republicans are not dwelling on the past 8 years, but rather are moving forward. It is the Democrats who are locked into the whole blame game regarding Bush/Cheney and it is like they are campaigning against them rather than McCain/Palin.  

  2. Let me answer your question in a way your feeble mind can understand

    Bush and Cheney were schedule to speak on Monday and as you remember Gustav hit New Orleans on monday so has not to have a repeat of the vilification by the liberal press that our president is at the convention while people are suffering in New Orleans he stayed away I hope that cleared that up for ya.

  3. Because Palin is enough bad press.

  4. Mr. McCain knows very well that George Bush is more of a liability than any asset to his campaign and to the party.  Mr. Bush was asked not to attend and he was asked to keep his comments short.  Even within the Republican Party there are many who wish to distance themselves from Bush and Cheney and the last eight years.  Having George Bush and/or d**k Cheney as part of the campaign would be the kiss of death for the McCain/Palin ticket.  They know, Bush knows it, the party knows it.

  5. Because they aren't running.

  6. Are they on the ballot.......did not think so.

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