
Why no answers a simple question?

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Many replys but no answers.What would you change in this great Country We already have free Med Care,




  1. The simple answer is... there is no simple answer!

  2. Americans are NOT stupid

  3. The fundamentals....we need to embrace socialism, family, and love... And totally and forever flush the concept of making money, capitalism, free markets &  the rat race down the toilet..

  4. Energy policy.  An Apollo like project to set America on a course to energy independence within the next 10 years.  I'm presuming you believe if you can't pay for Medical care you can just go to the emergency room.  Well, guess what.  That ain't free.

  5. Free med care as you put it AIN'T FREE buddy,people pay taxes.

    We need to change our energy policies to be free from the foreign oil strangle.

    We need to reform our health care system

    We need to reform our educational system and give a chance to children,so they can succeed and so they can dream.

    We need to help the people that matter first,the small business owner and the farmer before the large multinational corporation.

    We need to give incentives to corporations that dont outsource our jobs and give incentives so that they bring them back.


    O,and something that has bothered me for a long time.

    we need to reform our dialogue with others,when we talk we should not elevate ourselves over others,we should speak on the same level instead of threatening with military action if they don't behave like us. We can not force people to change their cultures through violence. lets talk at the same level,we'd get a lot farther that way.

  6. get rid of many idiots

  7. Reduce the size of government in half.

  8. Educating our people. Seriously, it's almost embarrassing how little people know about the world, how close-minded many are, etc.

  9. We need to close our borders, remove all aliens illegal first then the legal ones and then start over to carefully investigate exactly who is coming here and why.

    Amend the constitution to end the anchor baby law, if a child is born of illegal immigrants their child should not be considered US citizens.

    You can not allow an illegal act to produce legal citizenship.

    Promote the English language as the official language of the US, if you can not speak the language then you are not welcome here.

    Only one flag flies in the US and that is the American flag, exception are made for foreign embassies.

    Restore God to our country, the Constitution says that the government shall make no laws regarding a particular religious belief but it should also say that images of God or the 10 commandments should be displayed wherever one wants to display them. Prayer in school can remain optional for non believers, they can wait outside while the pledge and/or prayers are being said. Each child can pray silently in the manner they are accustom to.

    Welfare should be temporary except for the elderly and handicapped, if you will not work it should not be the responsibility of the state to keep you housed and fed.

    Create incentives for US corporations to keep jobs here in the United states.

    Impose huge import taxes on foreign companies that compete with US companies, if you have to pay $10,000 more for a Toyota or Honda than you do for a Ford,Chevrolet or Chrysler what would you buy.

    Only import from other countries in the same amount they buy from us, If they only buy $1 Billion of our goods we only buy $1 billion of their goods. In other words balance the trade deficit.

    No foreign aid until the people of America are cared for first, solve our own hunger and poverty issues first before we send our money to foreign countries where is gets stuck in their governments pockets and doesn't reach the people anyway.

    I could go on as there are many issues to be solved but we need to solve our own issues before we offer a hand to other nations and when we do help other nations we need to have oversight so it helps the people not the politicians.

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