
Why no apprenticeships?

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What has happened to apprenticeships no wonder its a nightmare to get a plumber/electrician plaster etc and they charge a fortune. I think they would be less unemployment in the young .some young adults cant do the collegue thing is like being at school still to them and they dont get enought money unless their parents are rich yet they would phsycial do the job if shown and enjoy the job with out the paperwork




  1. ask your local council, know mine (greenwich) go apprenerships for jobs like these, its called GLLAB (Greenwich Local Labour And Business) maybe your borough can transfer you?

  2. This is because of the school system. Sorry but I'm in favour of returning to a selective system (something like the old grammar / secondary modern system) so that people with academic strengths can go to an academic school and people with technical/practical strengths can go to a more practically-oriented school.

    This way the practically-oriented people would be prepared for apprenticeships and/or technical/trade work.

    I think the opposition to this split in education arose because of the perception that in some way academic is 'better' than practical.

    I would suggest that we should recognise that not everyone is academic - just as not everyone is practical - and reintroduce a measure of selection into the school system which recognises that fact, and builds on people's strengths rather than treat everyone as identical.

  3. I think that you have some very good points there,

    Perhaps the government should take note and try to help.

    Thank you :)

    Our young people deserve better.

  4. Jobs are undercut by god help

  5. evryone seems to think that apprenticeships are the way to go, and that theyd be so good for everybody, when actually, theyre not that good.

    the pay is c**p, and to see people not working half as hard as you are get paid up to 4 times more is so depressing its incredible

    as an apprentice you are basically a skivvy for s long as the apprenticeship lasts, then you are thrust in the deep end and expected to be perfect. i know, unfortunately, im an apprentice mechanic, and friends of mine have gone into plumbing, household electrics, roofing etc and left it because of how they were treated. and everybody wonders why no one wants an apprentcieship? thats because you dont know what your talking about. yea, it was a lot worse in the old days, im sick of hearing "when i was an apprentice" stories of what they had done to them by the qualified people whod already done it, but this is now, and how many teens straight out of school are going to think "yes, i want to be picked on, used as a slave,  and be paid beans for a few years before i do anything else". exactly.

  6. Bristol City Council is ALWAYS advertising Apprenticeships for Plumbers, Electricians and Carpenters to work for them.

  7. Ive heard here in Britain a whole load of new ones are ready to be made. I like mine but it depends how you look at it, it looks good as paid education, it looks bad as proper work that you get paid a tiny amount for, and mine is definitely proper work :o.

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