
Why no league review on the roberts' sucker punch?

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leave the concusion issue out of it, you can't usually do something like that and not get reviewed - most times when blatant slashes, punches and general cheapshots are caught, that clearly, on tape ... they usually get a look by the league - the injury issue is just makes a character statement about roberts




  1. the refs opinion cant be reviewed its in the rule book in black and white and that why

  2. Franzen was on the ice for his next shift. Even though there seemed to be intent to injure, I think the league just considers it frustration and let it go. The players themselves had a go at sorting out things right near the end, and there is more to come.

    A non-call can be reviewed, like last year when Niedermayer got the penalty but it was Pronger who hit Holmstrom high with intent to injure. The Wings stitched up Homer and he came back to score a goal. But the review by the league resulted in a game suspension for Pronger.

    If Therrien has any brain cells left, Roberts will be watching the rest of the series wearing a suit. He only hurt the team- seeing a veteran leader lose his composure like that led to a Penguins parade to the box.

    Bettmann's got to be throwing up right about now, seeing his one-man marketing squad for the league being humiliated by the Red Wings.

  3. No was still a cheap shot..roberts is a total *****.

  4. Some points to make:

    -It's possible the league reviewed it but determined no supplemental discipline was in order.  The league can take Roberts' record into account, but the league cannot take into account Franzen's health.  

    -I'm not familiar with Roberts' disciplinary record.

    -Roberts didn't leave his feet.

    -He led with a glove hand, not an elbow.

    -The hit was not from behind, or with Franzen in a 'vulnerable' position.

    With that being said, I would really like to see the league simply outlaw hits to the head.  The old-timer in me would have preferred seeing a good solid body check into the torso, leading with the shoulder.

  5. Because then they would also have to review Kronwall leaving his feet every time he throws a body check. Detroit would lose out on this exchange if both got suspended.

    *Not a fan of either team, and no preference who wins, just trying to keep it fair.

  6. Can you just imagine what Therrien would say to the press if they did??  I hope there is still a review.  If not, there's a possible 5 games left - he should just be sat.

  7. The penguins can do no wrong.

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