
Why no media questions of Hillary involment with Black Panthers in the 70's?

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Documents at Yale Law school




  1. Because they would conviently disappear or commit suicide shortly thereafter.....ever seen The Clintons Exposed???

    Even if only 1/4 of that docummnetary was true it would give pause.

  2. don't forget the faln terrorists and the chinese military!! none of this is as important as being elected the first woman president.  unfortunately.

  3. -- Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers

    decided that a fellow black panther named Alex Rackley needed to die.

    Rackley was suspected of disloyalty. Rackley was first tied to a chair.

    Once safely immobilized, his friends tortured him for hours by, among

    other things, pouring boiling water on him. When they got tired of torturing

    Rackley, Black Panther member, Warren Kimbo took Rackley outside and put

    a bullet in his head. Rackley's body was later found floating in a river

    about 25 miles north of New Haven Connecticut.

    Perhaps at this point you're curious as to what happened to these Black

    Panthers? In 1977, that's only eight years later, only one of the

    Killers was still in jail. The shooter,Warren Kimbro, managed to get a

    scholarship to Harvard and became good friends with none other than Al Gore. He

    later became an assistant dean at an eastern Connecticut State College. Isn't

    that something? As a '60s radical you can pump a bullet into someone's

    head and a few years later, in the same state, you can become an assistant

    College dean! Only in America !

    Erica Huggins was the woman who served the Panthers by boiling the water

    for Mr. Rackley's torture. Some years later Ms. Huggins was elected to a

    California School Board.

    How in the world do you think these killers got off so easy? Maybe it

    was in some part due to the efforts of two people who came to the defense of

    the Panthers. These two people actually went so far as to shut down Yale

    University with demonstrations in defense of the accused Black Panthers

    during their trial. One of these people was none other than Bill Lan


    Mr. Lee, or Mr. Lan Lee, as the case may be, isn't a college dean. He is

    not a member of a California School Board. He is now head of the United

    States Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, appointed by none

    other than Bill Clinton.

    O.K., so who was the other Panther defender? Is this other notable

    Panther defender now a school board member? Is this other Panther apologist now

    an assistant college dean? No, neither!

    The other Panther defender was, like Lee, a radical law student at Yale

    University at the time. She is now known as the "smartest woman in the

    world." She is none other than the Democratic Senator from the state of

    New York ----our former First Lady, the incredible Hillary Rodham

    Clinton .

  4. Cite the documents!

  5. I heard a blurb about this on tv the other night. Why Clinton would be proud to say that she aligns or aligned herself with such a radical left group starring Malcolm X is beyond me.

    Here is some info:

  6. You got that right!!!!

    When I was in the military and Hitlery Klintoon was running for election in NY, I would  secretly post up copies of the story throughout the base I was stationed at at the time. The first postings lasted about 3 days. Someone must've been actually looking out for my copies because the next time I re-posted them, they were gone the same day. This went of for about a month, ran out of $$ and too risky.

    Just a little grass-roots work done by one lone man. Stories like these don't get told on Liberal news, so we individuals have to get the word out.

  7. Hillary Clinton is a victim of media bias especially CNN that gives more coverage for Barack Obama.

  8. Because it's an urban legend.

  9. maybe they don't know about this. Give her a break, today they sked about her hub girl-friend - Monica. She has quite a lot to deal with right now.

  10. On the other hand, we could let the police go and shoot rooms full of sleeping families, women children and all... and that's OK. That's what they did you know.. shot right through the walls with military ordinance. Cared not a bit about children. You righties hated what they did in WACO, but grant leniency in the case of the panther massacre? Right. That's why I'm not on your side of anything.

    Yes, the panther's were radical.

    So was, and is, our government.; most especially when GOPs are in charge.

  11. Following Hillaries complaints that the boys are picking on her an agreement was made that, in the best interest of the Democratic party derogatory comments that may have a lasting impact on any of the candiadtes would be avoided. The Democratic candidates are under a semi-hush order from Senator Reid who cares less which candidate is elected just so it is a Democrat!

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