
Why no mention on Radio, TV or papers 21/04/08 was Her Majesty's birthday?

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Has her Majesty stopped having birthdays or was it a faux pas on the medias part?




  1. It was on the Scottish news because they had a 21 gun salute on Edinburgh Castle for her...even though she was away galavanting, and she probably didn't even know it was happening!

  2. I would only appreciate the fact if I was given the day off work, as in 'sufferance' of 'them' otherwise why would I or others care...

  3. It was mentioned briefly on the Australian news. But it was a part of a piece about the push for Australia to become a republic, so I don't know if that counts as a glowing testimonial to the queen.

  4. Because nobody really gives a d**n any more

  5. Probably because she had a huge 80th 2 years ago, this one really wasn't news worthy. Long live the queen, but the media isn't going to go crazy every time she has a birthday. It only really matters when it's a big milestone. Thanks for informing me though, I had no idea it was her birthday today!

  6. We don't use her real birthday date, instead we celebrate it on a Saturday in June.

  7. You weren't on Yahoo homepage...for SHAME!

  8. I noticed that too, lets see if the make a fuss of St Georges day on Wednesday......

  9. Today is Her Majesty the Queen's actual birthday. She was born on April 21st, 1926, however it has long been customary to celebrate the sovereign’s birthday publicly on a day during the summer, when better weather is more likely. Since 1805, the sovereign’s ‘official’ birthday has been marked by the Trooping the Colour ceremony, normally held on the second Saturday in June.

    The Queen's Official Birthday (sometimes known as "the Queen's Birthday") is celebrated as a public holiday in several Commonwealth countries as with royal traditions. In the United Kingdom, the Queen's Official Birthday is now celebrated on the first, second, or third Saturday in June, and is marked in London by the ceremony of Trooping the Colour, which is also known as the Queen's Birthday Parade. So basically, she will have two birthdays in one year.

    Although today is the Queen's birthday, it will be celebrated quietly among close family and friends. Queen Elizabeth II marked her 82nd birthday at home in Windsor Castle. The occasion has been celebrated with a 41-gun salute at Hyde Park in London today. Far away from the fanfare, it's believed her Majesty's planning to enjoy a quiet dinner at Windsor Castle.

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