
Why no penalties? Is NASCAR now showing who their real man is?

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Had this been anyone else would there have been any penalties. To come up to someone after the race is over and hit them like the ole days of thunder or an ea sports game is very unsportsman like so I ask why no penalty? Perhaps it is one driver getting a by on all the random acts of immaturity out there, or maybe, just maybe NASCAR is showing us all who they favor....

Usually you would see the penalties fly over this post race incident but I think ratings are now becoming more important than anything else.




  1. They only Do penalties if they had a very big fight and fights are usually started by some driver purposely hitting another driver for fun and then at the garage the driver who got crashed comes over and whales the other driver in the face and they both get penalty's one because he crashed the other guy on purpose and two because he started a fight hope i helped! LOL

  2. What happens in the Nascar Trailer Stays in the Nascar Trailer. But my guess is it went something like this. "way to go boys, I think you just succeeded in selling out all the seats in all the rest of the races, keep up the good work." I know i'm going to be glued to my set in nationwide and cup to watch the little rivalries, busch/edwards, gordon/stewart, montoya, hamlin, ambrose, lottsa hot heads out there and thats what racings all about PERSONALITY.

  3. I think a lot of people are so pissed off with Nascar that issuing penalties would just p**s people off more.

    Seriously, it's not worth it (penalties.)

    Edit: Are you ok there buddy underneath me?  Hope your day gets better. Hey you changed it.  Probably for the better.

  4. we think you answered your own question in your own paragraphs!!!!!

    Good no penalties..that means they can crash into each other again!on purpose!!

    -^^- bunnie & mandy

  5. Kyle Bush is just a sore loser.  It was racing and everyone calls it bump and run. He even paid it back just after wards, so what was the whole incident about?  Poor attitude, plain and simple.  Kyle wanted some glory he felt was owed to him for leading so much of the race.  Kyle needs to grow up!

  6. No penalities because it happened AFTER the race and also the 'incident' took place on the track where there were no people around that could have been injured, no track officials, pit crew members, or media.  

    Unlike the pay-backs that normally happen in the pits.

  7. this hapnds at bristol every race but they should penalize kyle for crying i think he's the first one there

    hey the idiot jr is slow average drivers are in the chase didint know that i thought it was 20-43 dumba$$ at least hes better than crying kyle dei was horible and hes not used to hendrick and hendrick hasent ben doing wel this year anyways get your facts befor ya bash and guess what i wont care i just wish everone felt that way about me i tell only facts expt for the kyle was cheating i did a couple times thos were lies and pll still cry and block me (thats why there kyle fans (excluding winter and 18 fan they dont cry they come back with more facts))

  8. Well it was Kyle. Just goes to show NASCAR has favored Kyle. He can use a car to ram someone but let anyone else just throw a helmet and it's a fine. If they don't fine him then I'll bet there are going to be some beer cans that are going to get thrown.

    This is an outrage. It's evident NASCAR favors Kyle.

    Also if you look at the in car video it shows Carl has already stuck his hand out the window twice giving his victory wave. Do you not think it's detrimental to possibly take someone's arm off while they are doing a victory wave? Heck yes it was detrimental.

  9. They should rename the series to NA$CAR because it's all about money.

  10. The person who should've got the penalty was Kyle Busch, for running into Carl Edwards car after Carl won the race. Why do you think Kyle doesn't take his helmet off after he wins a race? He doesn't wanna get beaned with a beer can. Carl should keep his hand inside his car next time he beats Kyle. But by popular vote, Carls actions were deemed detrimental. The fans loved it, and that's what NASCAR racing is all about, making the fans stand up and cheer. Which is what they did after Carl spun Kyle around like a little kid in a school-yard merry-go-round. Carl and Kyle put on a great show for us at Bristol, and I would personally like to thank them both!

  11. It was a post race altercation,if they did do anything it would be fine him.But they could also sit him down with a team manager and let him know that the next event like this he'll get popped with a big fine.

  12. I thought they always penalized you if you used your car to hit someone on purpose even after the race. It isn't a points deduction but usually a fine and probation. Maybe Lynn is right and we will find out tomorrow.

  13. I would not say NO PENALTIES just quite yet.........It is only Tuesday and as the other writer said we will have to wait until tomorrow. I really do not blame Carl Edwards for what he did; the race was over and Kyle was banging the c**p out of his car. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH at some point and they were on the open track at a very controlled speed where nobody is going to get hurt. Maybe Edwards should and will get a fine or some other punishment but I think Kyle has figured out that he isn't the big dog on the porch right now.

  14. That's just racin' and people should get over it (The bump Carl did was racing, the after the race was just Kyle upset that he lost, nothin wrong with that in my mind). I don't remember them penalizing Jeff Gordon for shoving Matt Kenseth at a Bristol race a few years back. And there's been many more times than just that where incidents occured post race at Bristol with no penalties, so why now? NASCAR isn't showing favorites, people just think he should be penalized because they don't like him. He's not the first driver to bump someone after the race out of displeasure, and won't be the last. He's only the most hated of the ones that have done it. Besides, his actions weren't detrimental to stock car racing, they were beneficial.

    BTW-> If they really preferred Kyle Busch they wouldn't have thrown two phantom debris cautions the past two weeks when he was winning each race with a big lead. He ended up losing both, with no sign of debris. Maybe there was some but usually the camera's are quick to pick it up, but he had a 7 second lead at Michigan, and a 3 second one at Bristol when they came out.

    How do we know for sure if there won't be any penalties? I haven't seen it confirmed that there won't be. If there is, can Kyle Busch fans say that it was unfair because plenty of other drivers have done the same thing with no penalties? It's all about perspective. Some think he should be penalized, some don't.

  15. Because it happens at every other Bristol race.  It's a product of Bristol.  Every announcer and analyst has said the same thing.  "No harm no foul."    As I stated several times.  I can name 10 drivers that did the same thing in the last 15 years.  Time to move on.   Get over the immaturity thing already.  It happens at Bristol all the Effin time.   From Sr to Gordon.  Sheesh!

  16. Honestly, I hope they don't penalize either driver. It doesn't look like they are, but tomorrow is another day. I like the new rivalry, it breathes new excitement into the sport. That is not to say that I want either one of these drivers to end up hurt. I certainly don't. If NASCAR doesn't penalize these two, then I hope they will stay consistent with this decision during the next two races, and the chase itself. The only thing that concerns me about this kind of retaliation is the winner driving with their hand out the window waving to the fans while the disgruntled driver comes along side them and starts banging them. To me, it's all good as long as nobody gets hurt.

  17. Idk.

    But I'm not very happy about it.

  18. Where did you get the idea that NASCAR would usually let the penalties fly over an incident like this? NASCAR's precedent was to fine the driver and put him on probation for a certain amount of time, usually to the end of the year. As much as I am not a Kyle Busch fan, I knew he wouldnt get a points penalty for his post race actions, because it was POST RACE...  

  19. NASCAR should really just find some way of being consistant with their rulings.

    Whether or not either of them should've been penalized the fact is, Carl Edwards was penalized $20,000 and probation for doing that to Jr. in a Michigan Busch race. Kurt was penalized $100,000 and 100 drivers points for his actions at Dover. Kurt and Tony were given a 6 race probation for their actions earlier this season. Juan Montoya was given a 3 lap penalty for his actions against Kyle a couple months ago.

    If they're going to penalize the drivers for doing that, it should be the same penalty each time, no matter who it is. That way the drivers can then decide if it's worth it or not

    If they choose to not penalize one driver for doing it, none of them should be.

    That sort of thing was fairly common once upon a time.  

  20. In the past, NASCAR has frowned on drivers using 3400 pound cars to show their displeasure.  It would be inconsistent for them to let this pass with no penalty.

    We'll see.  Last week, penalties weren't announced until Wednesday.  Maybe they're just keeping us in suspense.  :  )

  21. That's because Kyle is NASCAR's "Golden Haired Boy" this season. You know, he can't do anything wrong. NASCAR called him into their trailer after this happened and slapped him on the wrist and said to him "Bad boy, now don't do that again." But, of course if you or I had done this to someone in the parking lot at Bristol we would prabably be up on charges. It only goes to show what a spoilt brat Kyle actually is, thinking he can get away with bumping or ramming another driver and they should not do the same thing to him. Remember, he said "It's all part of racing" after the race he spun Dale Jr. out in. After all it is "Kyle Busch's Big Adventure." and he is the poster child for S.B.A.A.

    or the Spoilt Brats Assocaition Of America.

  22. Yep...just post Bristol is all.  Yippeee!!!  I am glad they did't penalize anyone for such a moinor infraction.  still why use cars??  If NASCAR did punish the Jeff and Matt and the Carl nad Matt incidents...must be it's all a goood thing. So my take on this...let them go at the track out of the to man, hand to hand.  

    bring back some of the old days when the drivers were real men and not all light in the loafers.

  23. Precendent? What about Kurt Busch and Tony Stewart(2006).. post race.. what about Dale Jr. and Carl Edwards(Busch race MIS 2006).. post race.... BOTH times there was a monetary and points deduction. I don't understand the inconsistancy.

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