
Why no uproar over the 2 lawsuits accusing Biden's son and his brother of fraud over millions of dollars?

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A son and a brother of Senator Joe Biden Jr. are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.




  1. The democrat news media allow democrats a pass on all bad behavior, illegal activity, et al (maybe because democrats are not expected to do better). Republicans are not given free passes.  

  2. Maybe because they are not running for Pres/VP.  Gee, I seem to remember some S&L scandal in Texas during GW's govern ship that never made it to the surface during his "election".  Interesting.

  3. Because they are liberals and the media won't attack them.

  4. are accused in two lawsuits

    Those are the operative words buddy

    until these actions have made there way through the court system there is no telling whether there is any merit to the charges

    for all we know they could be politically motivated so they mean zip at the present time

  5. I can only conclude that, to Democrats, a 17 year old not getting an abortion is the far worse crime.

  6. All I have to say - to both sides is - people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!

  7. He is not running for VP office

  8. What does this have to do with Sarah Palin!?

  9. because liberals can do know wrong.

  10. When he's convicted, let me know.


  11. Well,I didn't hear about it until now so...

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