
Why not Arnold, the great governator of CA!? At least SOMEONE has heard of him! HAHA, the GOP is so screwed!?

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By the way, I was kidding....come on! You couldn't tell my me calling him the governator!? HAHA! The GOP is screwed either way!




  1. McCain just turned 72 by the way. And I think McCain just torpedoed Barry's chance for the White House.

  2. What are you, an idiot?  Is politics nothing more to you than Hollywood, where fame's all that matters?

  3. I know!! too bad he wasnt born here though! He would be great. He's republican and his wife is democrat and he knows how to think like a democrat and gets along with out why not

  4. I think he has picked a fantastic lady. I believe she will bring a breath of fresh air to the ticket. She has as much experience as the Leading man on the Democratic ticket. God Bless Sarah Palin.

    I think she will energize the base.  

  5. You must be a liberal since you don't seem to understand the basic requirements to be president. Arnold wasn't born in the U.S. and besides Arnold is not a true repub. if he was the liberal brain dead Californians would never have voted for him.

  6. Who??

  7. thats what i said. McCain is 73 years old, has had cancer twice and he picks a person he doesn't know personally - has only met once - and he places the entire welfare of the nation in her hands.a woman no one had even heard about until today will soon be responsible for taking over the country if McCain dies

  8. not a natural born -  

  9. He thinks Palin is good.

  10. Cant fix stupid!  McCain just popped Obama's hot air balloon.  Bye, Bye Bye Obama, oh and close the door on your way out!  

  11. Not a natural born citizen - JUST LIKE OBAMA!!!

    ok, I know you only want me to bring this out

    for those about to rock:

  12. In addition to U.R. Crabs answer, Arnold is one of the most liberal republicans I've ever seen. No way would McCain put up with that.

  13. He was not born in the United States, the Constitution says so

  14. The GOP couldn't find anyone good--so they chose McCain.

    McCain couldn't pick a qualified VP with *some* experience in all arenas--so he went with a ditsy blond whom has NONE.

    Just so he could try and woo all of Hillary's disaffected supporters.

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