
Why not buy rather than download?

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personally i dont get it ...i prefer to buy a cd or dvd of something i like ....yeah i copy dvds and make my own ...but i still primarily buy them ...i was just wondering ....why do most people these days download their music and movies rather than buy them?

[they aint exactly bank breaking expenses thats all]




  1. I like to buy dvds but when it comes to music I download. I have over 1000 songs and if you work that out as $1 a song thats over a grand of music which I got for free. Also I can get the song right now and not have to worry about going to the music store tomorow or when I have a day off.

  2. I prefer downloading individual songs because it's only like 99 cents per song. Back in the day, I would buy a 14 dollar CD and I'd only like one song on the whole entire album. As for DVDs, I definitely buy those from the store.

    What I don't get is how people claim that they LOVE Will Smith, etc., but then they go and steal the artist's songs. If you really loved them, show them enough respect to support them financially. They have bills too, and just because they're rich doesn't mean they don't deserve more money. They work for it, unlike Paris Hilton.

    If people keep downloading illegally, the entertainment business will go bankrupt, there will be no more new creations, and it will be our own d**n fault for being cheap b******s.

  3. Well I would have thought that was obvious, it's free , DUH!!!  

  4. i agree with all the above.

    1. CD may not be in stock

    2. i might only like one song from an artist's album

    3. limewire is just a click away!

    4. exporting albums onto itunes takes awhile [for my computer at least]

    5. for people who are fans of artists that have 10+ albums.. i'm sure they would rather download them all for free than have to spend $15 for each one

    6. programs to burn cds make it easier to have a variety cd to listen to

    7. $1 a song on itunes.. when you can get all of them for free. someone who has 5,000 songs just saved $5,000

  5. I agree, and also if you buy the CD and movie, it is obviously better versions and clearer than this Limewire stuff. Movies are also on demand and you can buy them straight from your TV rather than buying bootlegged stuff. You can also watch some online for free. But I prefer either going to the theaters, buying them On Demand or buying music from iTunes.

  6. because its easier, its always available, i.e say you go to the shop, the cd might not be in stock. and its a lazy persons way...why buy something when you can have it for free?

    but i do understand what your saying.  

  7. If you like one song...would you but the whole cd. That is my debate -but their should be no excuse for p****y.

  8. I think the definitive answer here is simply because it is cheaper to download rather than purchase. Why pay for something if you don't have to?

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