
Why not come to Dubai?

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Very rich city of Dubai, and is the city of Labor and Economy and Finance, and invite you to visit Dubai, which contains the world's longest tower under construction.




  1. I can't enter the UAE I'm jewish and Jews are not aloud in that country

  2. I would love to visit Dubai. It seems like the most amazing place in the world right now!

  3. You can find more of what Dubai has in store at the following urls,

  4. Dubai is nice for visitors who can afford to go on nice vacation. Do you really think that visitors are getting attraced by the tallest building? I don't think so.

    For my opinion there are thre categories of people coming to Dubai:

    1.Tourists who would like to see the landmarks of Dubai like Burj Al Arab, Burj Dubai Tower, the shopping malls, etc. and enjoy nice beaches etc.

    2. Westerners after they negotiated great salary packages.

    3. People from India, Pakistan, the Philippines etc. who think that Dubai is like living in heaven. Well - these people might getting hurt as soon they have to face reality.

    You are right, rich Dubai is the City of Labor, Economy and Finance.........but not for everybody. Many low and middle income workers/employees came to Dubai and saw their dream bubble being busted. In this case also the world highest building is no help.

    Btw: please visit the link giving below:

    Same situation, same problems even without the tallest buidling.

    Take care.

  5. I have been there. Beautiful and Majestic buildings. Food is great. Very hot weather. I will go again given the opportunity.
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