
Why not give GLOBAL WARMING a chance?

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I believe great benefits will come from global warming. Do we have to be so hasty?




  1. do you want to be under water?

  2. Who are you?  Are you a scientist?  Do you have any rational basis for your claim that great benefits will come from global warming?

  3. We gave peace a chance and that didn't work, so global warming? Sure!

  4. There are benifits of the global warming but definitely they are not great. One of which is that the earth would be fruitful since plants  to bear more fruits during warmer seasons. However, there are several distructive effects of this global warming that could entirely end your life. Global warming can cause the melting of the ice caps on the north and south pole therefore increasing the sea level that can eventually wash out an island. Also, the saltwater can desalinate the fresh water all through out and can you live drinking seawater? Global warming can also change the behaviour of the sea waters that can cause to huge tsunamis, and destructive beach washes. Global warming can also result to global cooling which can kill some of the species of this world. Right at this moment, we are already experiencing the effects of the global warming. Now, do you still want to give global warming a chance? The future of the earth depends on your answer. Think about it! Your safety or your death!

  5. why not give it a chance?

    because it isn't happening.

  6. There is no global warming!  It's just a way for certian scientists to get grant money. There are thousands of climatelogists against it.  When it's proven, then we can take steps against it, but until then, it cost too much money to make everything "green".

  7. Good point.  What's a good place to buy real estate that will soon be beachfront property?

  8. Why not give communism a chance?

    I believe great benefits will come from communism.

  9. YES!! you can fly to the sun 8) im sure you will be happy there

  10. Amen to that brother! Even if you believe the worst predictions we still come out ahead. Think of it this way...we are still in the tail end of an ice age, thats how we got the polar ice sheets (check it out if you don't believe me). If you look at a map of land between ice ages youll see we hav all of the artic as green food growing, habitable land. So we lose some coastal what? most cities are c**p anyway. And we'll pick up a bunch of new land. Its a win-win. I say we pump as much CO2 into the air as we can and get some pristine soil!

  11. why not GIVE global warming a CHANCE???

    try to jump in the middle of the ocean..............or try to burn your skin......what would you feel???

    is just the same when you talk about giving global warming a chance.....

    do you think it would be easy??

    of course NO.

  12. If history is any indication, there are more positives than negatives.

  13. As a natural part of the Earth's cycle, yes, we should indeed not worry about it and give it a chance.  Warming isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Anthropogenic global warming is a myth in any case.  That's not to say we shouldn't reduce pollution, however.  Cleaning up our nastiness is always a good thing.

  14. because i trust you so much more then ecologists.

    here is one example of problems that could arise from global warming.

  15. whatever

  16. Very good Gengi. Thank's for your input. You are the epitomy of how a lack of an education does hurt!

  17. It's going to come down to that anyway.Then we have to give Global cooling the same opportunity...on and on and on.

  18. Sure. Let's do it. I'm with you.

  19. Not at wintertime in the North.

  20. Obviously you're failing in science class. Do you know how many animals will die because of that. AND the ice caps will melt and flood beaches

  21. sorry James,

    the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling and this global warming that your talking about is a myth

    do a little research and you will find that in the 30-40 time period, they were worried about warming, then it was cooling in the 50-60's then heating in the 70-cooling was the for front of the 80's and into the 90's

    get a life and do a little research

    this is a way of controlling the population, telling you what you can buy, what you can drive like the fuel crisis in the 70's

    learn something so you are not a pawn,

    people like me will not always be around to tell you these things, you have to learn, and not be a victim

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