
Why not have Olympics every year?

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Why not split Olympics into mens and womens competition and have it every year instead of every two years?

One year mens winter, next womens summer, etc.




  1. Because they need time to prepare

    People have to train

    Its expensive

    It wouldn't be special

  2. well first of there are the legal issues of where to hold it, passport etc. it also cost a lot of money. There is also a lot of training involved for the athletes. the olympics would lose their edge

  3. People have to train for the Olympics and it takes along time for that. I guess

  4. Nah.. They shouldn't seperate the men and the women. Too much money

    It takes a long time for them to train.

    And plus If it were every year almost everyone would have a gold medal. Or Micheal Phelps would have like 100!

  5. What a mess that would be.

    It would be too expensive for one thing.  All of the coverage, travel, venues, uniforms, etc. etc. etc.  

  6. it gives countries time to prepare. also, it makes it a special event. if it were every year people wouldnt care so much and it would be just like any other sporting season.  

  7. because it takes such a long time for a country to prepare and you spend so much for money to prepare for olympics. It would be too much for have one every year

  8. It takes 4 years to prepare, there are legal issues, etc.

  9. That would be so awesome! Except for the time and prepartion! If they didnt have so long to prepare though they would'nt be as good!

  10. people will get bored of them if they take place every year.

    They won't be special

    It's like saying ,"why can't i have my birthday every month"!

  11. 4 years to prepeer, ect, ect

  12. 1) it would be good if there was but they need 2 preparer it

    2) they always have it in different places need time to build the stadiom if they dont have one.

    3) law  

  13. I think the 4 year wait makes it more exciting.

  14. it would be very, very expensive to have it every year, the athletes need time to train and cities need to make bids four years in advance.

  15. The olympics are supposed to be about the world's best athletes. Not the world's best men and then the world's best women. That would cause a lot of issues in the fight for Gender Equality.  its actually every 2 years for the Olympics, just one is the Summer games the next is the Winter.  It takes a long time to prepare a country and stadiums for the Olympics. If we had them every year, they would get old. the time between each Games is what makes it exciting. that keeps us watching because its not on every year.

  16. its every 4 years and that would be nice

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