
Why not have a graduated capital gains tax--less tax on gains of smaller companies, more on big business?

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and yeah yeah yeah, I know. "we should just scrap capital gains taxes entirely." we can't. thank bush's print and spend economics.




  1. Because you and your leftist socialist friends do not have a right to dictate how much money people and companies should keep.  High taxes are passed on to you the consuming public.  

    I own a business.  I have a certain margin I must make.  When taxes and costs go up, I pass it on in my price.  

  2. want everyone/entity that has more money than you to pay higher taxes?  So, at what point do we say..."ok, you make too much, you should pay more"...and who, pray tell, will decide this?

    Let me guess...liberal, right?

  3. Because the name of the game is keeping big business in as much profit as possible.  Big Business pumps so much money into lobbying, and the dough rolls to the politicians.  They're the ones who basically write the bills- why would they ever propose something like that?  

  4. I don't want my taxes to go up, but if they did by a couple percent, I would gladly pay it to do my part to help get out of this debt with China, rebuild our infrastructure, and get our economy going.

    I think it needs to weighed carefully and fairly based on local cost of living standards to net income before determining palatable increases.

    But yes, we can't keep fighting a war without being able to pay for it...

    There are no free lunches right? So why does everyone feel like THEY shouldn't be the ones to sacrifice or give anything up.  

  5. This idea that we must raise taxes simply because Bush cut them is partisan and silly.  We need to raise revenues, that is the goal, and raising taxes is one way to accomplish this, but there are others.  Taxes are a form of punishment for citizens, and I don't think it's fair to punish bigger businesses more.  It is the goal of most businesses to grow and become large, and typically as they do administrative costs increase.  Having graduated capital gains taxes will deter companies from growing.

  6. Here's a simple equation that even a liberal can understand.  

    More Taxes = Less jobs

  7. What would be the rationale for this?

  8. No.  That is a step backwards.

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