
Why not have those rockets in russia not poland?

by  |  earlier

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the russians offered john wayne and his crownies, russian land to place their defence system, they had no need to go to poland at all.

After all the cold war is over and john wayne and russia are great freinds now are they not, this would show that they are frends and russia would have no need to set up their own defence system in SYRIA,,,,its a small world, and i dont want our kids to burn do you,,,,but thats the way its going so face the blast people and God bless america and john wayne

i dont wana know about me spelin ok my message is clear




  1. hi,

    do you like Paco Pena?

  2.     John Wayne as you know has always been a c**p in geography, and so many other fields such as humour - they (sorry He ) confuse

    ( s) Poland and Russia, because of their (sorry - his ) crapitude in geography - for each word pronounced by John Waynes in his country, there's a f**t in the world

  3. WHATTTT????  What is a crownie?  John Wayne has been dead for something like 15 years, and he was an ACTOR, not at ALL into politics or the military!!!!

    WHAT are you going on about?  

    You know, your message is don't know what you are talking about, is clear.  and, you can fix your spelling.  There is an automatic spell checker.  USE IT.

  4. Because if they're in Russia, US won't have much control over them and they can't use them against Russia.

    But when they're in Poland, one US had quite a bit of control over there and 2 Poland is a like a spit away from Russia.

    They're saying the rockets are not aimed at Russia well then why build them in the first place. Russia is right there she can protect Europe from a missile attack if need be.

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