
Why not hemp?

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not weed but hemp?? I won't go into the research on the medicinal value of cannibis this is strictly a question about why our government ignores our ever growing need for industrial hemp.




  1. Becuase when people hear Hemp, they think weed. Until Weed is not a big issue and people get the fact that is a natural herb, they wont consider hemp for anything.

  2. It's out there. But you're right, should be more.

  3. Your link is very good and informative. I had an experience with a hemp necklace that caused an allergy and terrible rash. I have heard others says they are allergic or sensitive to hemp products. I am throwing out a guess only, but I am guessing that the tiny link between cannibis and hemp holds the govt. back from supporting it.

  4. Hemp's everywhere down here in Wal-Mart, and they must be industrial.  Nike's starting to make their hemp out of shoes.  The female plants are just fantastic.

  5. everything is the governments fault. if there was no government there would be less problems not more but less government.

  6. I've seen hemp items sold in online stores before. If you know of them, buy from those companies only. Promote them as well. Get your gifts from there and the people you buy them for will like them and tell others who don't know about those yet. Once the government sees the demand, they'll want a piece of the action. Either they'll try to get in on the selling of these things or they'll ban them from the planet. The government should focus on more dangerous drugs, those do more damage than pot ever has. I'm no pot head but I know there are worst things in the world that they need to focus on. Just keep buying only those items that are environmentally friendly and eventually we may see a difference. As long as you're not giving up on this, we'll see a difference someday.

    If the government has such a problem with hemp, they should grow it in a controlled environment and see to it that only hemp items are made out of the plants. If they don't wanna do this, they're stupid. I also doubt that if there were millions of sites that sold those items, they would find a way to please them (just remember what happened with the downloading issues. Still happening, and the government has never been able to shut them down yet. One or two maybe, but just look at the progress the dl "industry" has made.

  7. Hemp could solve a lot of issues including our energy issue to some extent.

    But the mindset of the government is to control that which is deemed immoral, by the morally flexible.

    Imagine if we used hemp in arid environments and were able to use the biomass for fuels, the hemp for paper, clothing and other articles.

    We would be in a better position today.

    Too bad too many assume hemp means pot.
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