
Why not make bikes rust-proof?

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i'm pretty sure i've seen rust-proof steel and other metals.

if this is true, why do they not make bikes out of these metals? if they do, i have not seen any at local suppliers such as costco.

i live in a college dorm and therefore have to keep my bike outside on the bike rack.




  1. Many higher end bikes are quite rust resistant.   Carbon fiber doesn't rust.......

  2. The post above already explains why, but I have a few suggestions.

    Keeping a bicycle outside is unfortunate.  That is why Bromptons, Dahons and Stridas are so popular in big cities and countries where garages and sheds are not common.  

    A Strida will not rust, but there is also no reason to keep it outside no matter where you live.  But I'm also not too fond of the unconventional shape although I own a Korean Strida clone, Lespo New EZY Bike.

    You won't find much in the way of quality or style at Costco (if that is where you are looking to buy a bicycle).  Try looking at folding bikes (Brompton is my fav).  You could probably keep it at the foot of your bed.  Look at the Brompton flickr group to see the ways people have modified them.

  3. since steel bikes are generally fading out of style it isnt as much of an issue.  aluminum, titanium, carbon all oxidize, but only to a point.  even at costco or a department store, bikes are generally aluminum now.  where the chain and suck may rust, most of the rest wont.

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