
Why not many IT MNC choose chennai ???

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I see lot of service company in Chennai (HCL, Infy, sathyam,

TCS, Wipro, Flextronics etc.,). But I dont see much of the MNC

coming to chennai. This opens up to another question. Where

does the real grown relly. Is it worth to be in a service company

or to be in MNC. Since most of the MNC's are coming up in

India, my belief is the service company reputation will go away

in future. Dont you agree ?? If I am correct, service companies

took their lead when foriegn companies didnt know the trick of

doing the business in india, but now they know it. Would the

service company still survive in market ??? Coming to the

original question, most of the MNC's come to India, but they

put their feet only in bangalore, but not in chennai. This is

quite sad, chennai people dont have much choice... do you

agree. I am speaking about the networking companies.




  1. Chennai weather is torrid. Moreover, people here are not open minded, unlike, say cities like Mumbai and Bangalore. Also, there are too many silly restrictions in Chennai, which one cannot express. (recently I heard it on TV).

  2. weather condition and Tamil stubbornness.

  3. I haven't read ur question entirely due to lack of time.. but i'd like to comment on one statement of yours.

    "Since most of the MNC's are coming up in

    India, my belief is the service company reputation will go away

    in future"

    Are you sure you know what MNC means? It seems to me that you are associating it with only foreign companies. Why does working in an indian company bother you? After all there are Indian Multinationals.. and with the current trend, we will see more coming up in the future and the existing ones doing even better too.

  4. IT services MNCs say they prefer Bangalore because of its milder weather and more cosmopolitan culture. A lot of employees in such companies perceive Chennai to be insular and unfriendly to non-Tamilians and that makes them wary of moving to Chennai. Strangely though, that perception does not seem to extend to MNC manufacturing companies. Ford, Hyundai, Nokia, and others have huge establishments in Chennai and they certainly have a significant number of non-Tamils in their workforce.

  5. none need to worry about it.

    all the states are within India only.

    Whether in Chennai or in Bangalore or in other places worldwide, Chennaities work there

    look at IT corridors - there are lot of MNC

    MNC believe Chennai meant for auto.

    some believe Bangalore is better for IT and for Offices.

    any way not choosing Chennai, people here is not loosing anything - (MNC may be losing competitive edge).

    When compare to Chennai, MNCs are paying thrice of the salary

    Compare to any Metro, Chennai is the cheapest living place with considerable employable people.

    Bangalore can grow only vertically whereas Chennai can grow both vertically as well as horizontally - look at size and infrastructure facility available.

  6. see lot of service company in Chennai (HCL, Infy, sathyam,

    TCS, Wipro, Flextronics etc.,). But I dont see much of the MNC

    coming to chennai. This opens up to another question. Where

    does the real grown relly. Is it worth to be in a service company

    or to be in MNC. Since most of the MNC's are coming up in

    India, my belief is the service company reputation will go away

    in future. Dont you agree ?? If I am correct, service companies

    took their lead when foriegn companies didnt know the trick of

    doing the business in india, but now they know it. Would the

    service company still survive in market ??? Coming to the

    original question, most of the MNC's come to India, but they

    put their feet only in bangalore, but not in chennai. This is

    quite sad, chennai people dont have much choice... do you

    agree. I am speaking about the networking companies

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