
Why not me!!! When is it my turn!?

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Do you ever feel like you just want to scream and chuck the biggest tantrum every over a pregnancy test?

We (husband and I) have been ttc since Feb and no luck. Each month i go through at least 10 HPT to get my BFN each time. I have started to become later and later each month and now i'm 1 wk over my 30 day cycle. I have all the pains and twinges of pms or pregnancy which ever but neither want to give me a positive result. If i was going to get my AF then i would want it over and done with so i can start again and focus on the next cycle... but then i still havent got AF so i have this horrible little voice in my head saying... what if!! what if the HPT'S! have been wrong.. what if i just don't show on a hpt till later... its really doing my head in. i have got a constant cramping/pinching in my right pelvic area now for hte past few days. Can someone come up with a miracle for me before i go insane... pleeeeeaseeeee!!!




  1. Girl, i feel you pain. I've been trying for a while myself. To save yourself some time. Go to your doctor and get a pregnancy test there(blood not urine) then if its negative(hope its not:))tell him you want something to induce your period, that way you can have it and get it over with and move on to the next cycle. That's what I do, I don't want to waste anytime, if I not pregnant, induce, you know what I mean. I'm trying to get pregnant ASAP. (I made it my mission LOL.

    Good luck and buckets of babydust on you(as me as well for that matter).

  2. My husband and I were TTC from August of last year to March of this year! I know how you feel, it is just so devastating! finally after 8 months of BFN's we decided to buy ovulation tests and got a test to tell if his sperm count was at a good level (that was in march) and on March 31st we finally got our BFP 10 days after ovulation! It is the most exciting thing ever. I am now 21 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and everything is looking great! I especially relate to the thinking "I probably am but the tests are't showing it" and "I have my period, but that can happen while you are pregnant" All I can say to you is get an ovulation test, and keep trying:) it will work out for you and when it does all of the waiting will be worth it! ~*bAbY dUsT 4 u*~ good luck, dont give up!

  3. stop doing the tests,you will get pregnant if the time is right.the more you worry about trying to get pregnant,you know taking the tests every month,even when you do get your period...your mentally making yourself to become pregnant.slow down,relax,and wait till god lets this happen.

    there's one good s*x excersise that hopefully will help you though..when your husband and you become intimate you get on top and let him climax in you and quickly lay down on your back and put your hips up about 30-40 degrees and stay like that for 10 minutes.i did that for 4 weeks and here came first baby after 6 months of trying!

  4. I've been in your position... I actually still am. We've been trying to concieve for over a year now... but... you really do have to reduce the stress. So many people have told me that I need to stop trying and THEN it will happen... if you're anything like me then you HATE hearing that but when it comes to your period you definitely have to stop stressing so much. Your cycles are getting longer and longer because your anxiety can delay ovulation which in turn delays your period. You should try reading Taking Charge of your Fertility by toni weschler. i checked it out from the local library.. .flipped through it and learned a lot of information.

    Try charting your temp, checking your cervical mucus, maybe get an ovulation predictor (or a salive microscope... just as effective, reusable, and a lot cheaper). If you continue to be frustrated you should check out this site ( there are a lot of women who are in our position and it's a great support network for people TTC and who are already pregnant. It's worth checking out.. Good luck!

  5. I know that it is hard not to think about, especially when you want a baby so bad - but once you stop trying or stop thinking about trying .... IT WILL HAPPEN!!!  I tried for a year to get pregnant, thats all we ever talked or thought about.  I went Nov 22 for my yearly pap and told my OB about it and she said chances are it will happen sooner than we think!  Four days later I conceive my baby girl!  Now the wait gets even worse.  37 weeks pregnant and I can't wait to hold her!

  6. Maybe you feel that beacuse you might be ovulating late or something .

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