
Why not more hydrogen powered vehicle's.?

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Since the oil Barron's have sucked us dry how come not totally get away from fosil fuel's




  1. oh i just learned about this just now lol (im in 8th grade)

    my teacher said that hydrogen powered cars are good because there is no pollution whatso ever but we dont have the technology to put them in the car and it is !!!!EEEXXXTTREMLY FLAMMABLE!!!!!!!!!!! so thats why so bush is puttin in millions of dollars in research for it

    we cant get away from fossil fuels because people in the united states are whiny and they think that we cant live with out oil so bush doesnt want to make americans mad...also we are trying to improve technology with all the cars so we can make them better

    like the solar car

    it runs 60 miles an hour but that is only because of the arodynamics. if we didnt make them with areodynamics and it only used the sun it would only go 25-30 miles per hour

    i hope i answered it ok lol


  2. Four reasons.

    - Hydrogen is not cheap: you can't dig a hole and pull it out of the ground; you have to make it (typically from natural gas) in an energy-expensive process.

    - Hydrogen cannot be shipped through existing pipelines; it seeps into cracks in the crystalline structure, embrittles the metal, and will cause it to fail.

    - Hydrogen is not easy to deliver.  Typical pressures of delivery systems run 5000 psi or higher; this requires special materials and techniques.  Your Aunt Bertha will not be able to fill up her Buick at the local service stattion -- a technician will have to do it.

    - Hydrogen is not easy to store.  A standard welding tank of the stuff has about as much energy as a half gallon of gasoline.  Which means that on-board storage will be heavy and costly.

  3. There is no distribution network for hydrogen.  Nobody wants to build one either.

    Governments want corporations to build one.  No corporations can afford to build one except probably an oil company.

    I believe Cali has a handful of stations in the LA area.  Unless you live there you are out of luck.

  4. i agree with most of these answers in here but would also like to ad, that...

    IF hydrogen cars are massed produced who loses alot of business when regular fossil fueled cars goes out? Oil Companies. Who is a big supporter and benefactor-type for the Government? Oil Companies. Its One big business and people wanna make money... the more for oil, the more money they make...they have alot to lose if alot of hydrogen cars are produced. But in time it'll eventually happen, due to the slow research and reasons givin in here...

    P.S. since i gave my opinion and not an answer(so much) as the other comments in here, the best answer isnt for me...

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