
Why not send the trophy here to SA and do the "ceremony" after?

by  |  earlier

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biltong gona get rotten if we wait till weekend while english beers go sour, the english wil need tons of liters to drown the sorrow!




  1. In english?

    stick to msn thats where all the kids go that cannot spell.

    anyway whats the point you having it,you will only give it back  after next week !!!!

  2. The last team that was so sure of itself - supporters and fans included - is NOT playing the finals, so I guess we should shut up, pray that our team wins and see what happens.  You have to admit that England suprised us all and I don't see why they shouldn't be able to do it again.

  3. I'm adding all these questions to my watchlist.  I'll be in touch next week after the match...

  4. wake up smell the coffee we are going to win the trophy again.

  5. you should respect both teams in a final. although i support south Africa. England didn't get there just by chance. they are a different team with Johny playing. south Africa has done well and will make us proud on the day. lets not get over confident and arrogant. there are 2 great teams playing Saturday its gonna be a totally different game from the pool stages.

  6. No need to send the trophy to SA la! Invite the SA fans to have a free one on England at any English Pub....that's how sure SA is this coming weekend. St George forever!!

  7. LOVE biltong, and Mrs. Balls chuntney and koeksusters but most of all I love my Bokke.  Goingto an Irish pub in the City here in North Carolina USA to watch the final.  They are expecting at least 100 south Africans and couple hundred English!  Cannot wait, what an atmosphere it is going to be.

    Shine that cup England, we want it looking pretty for the trip home.

  8. you lot have got more chance of watching the Pope *****  Mother Theresa than beating ENGLAND--bring it on.

  9. well it depends when you say over here you make it sound lkike your a spring box yourself i think that its a good point uve got a higher vchance in my eyes than england but i support them so back to england u must admit that we havent played well enough over the last 4 YEARS omg get it good luck next saturday weather any of england, france or s.a will be able to stand up sunday morning good luck

  10. Mate, you're giving us South African's a bad name. You're worse than some of the Aussies and Kiwis that were on here, and we all know what happened with their teams...

    There's a fine line between pride in your team and arrogance, and you can't even SEE that line...

  11. Hee hee nice try but no cigar!!!

    Its ours I tell you - ALL OURS!!!

  12. Englands Trophy, only a few days to wait

  13. It's pints, not liters, two weeks ago you could have Australian!!

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