
Why not today's students showing interest against the politics?

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Why not today's students showing interest against the politics?




  1. We wanted to more for our children than our parents did for us. In trying to make life easier and better, we forgot that struggle builds caricature.Now they just expect so much that they want us to insure their future as well. I speak from experience. I have raised a self centered son who just expects my husband and to drop everything for him.Therefor his world is the only world that counts not the best interest of the word around him. I tried to undo what I have done, but at 23 yrs old I think I am too late. So in closing I would say do to our youths self centerness and lack of struggle  they feel no civic duty.

  2. Students do show interest in politics. That is the reason why they hold that occupation. Refer to the dictionary for 'student'.

    It always has, and always will be sine qua non for a student to be updated on the latest political happenings, and even more so in the 21st century. Fareed Zakaria from Newsweek will tell you just why.

    My guess is you meant "youths" instead of "students" and that you come from a developed country where all youths are students, be it out of parents' kiasuism (singaporean slang for not wanting to lose out) or a law which makes schooling compulsory.

    So, "why not today's *youths* showing interest against the politics?"

    Simple answer: There are a gazillion more even more interesting things to be interested in. (If you didn't understand that sentence, try phrasing it like this: [There are a] [gazillion more] [even more interesting] [things] [to be interested in])

    The latest fashion trend, the latest games, the latest music, the latest anime (Japanese animation), even the latest scientific discoveries! Or youth-related problems such as Boy-Girl Relationships, homework O_o, and naggy parents.

    Hope this answers your question.

  3. Because, politics (at least in Bharat) is the first resort of rogues. Most of the students are not so. More over students, at least when they are still 'students', want to make an honest living.

  4. I am interested in politics and i am a student - i want to improve this country

  5. In India today we want to be away from system and acuse it for being bad. We do not want to get into problem and resolve it but just sit away and say it bad. Rediculas. No one dares to come forward and resolve it.

  6. They do and it is all negative! Wrong but negative! Because they do not know the facts! Followers and not leaders!

  7. There are many possible reasons.

    1. Not knowing enough about government or politics and the issues they're dealing with.

    2. Disillusionment. With all the recent scandals in government (Larry Craig, Blackwater, the handling of the war, indictments of high-ranking officials, charges of corruption, etc, etc), it becomes hard for people to put any faith in their elected officials or the system. The ideology may be "Why should I get involved with something that isn't working?" or "I'm just one person - how can my vote change anything?"

    3. Mudslinging candidates and smear campaigns. It shows a high level of immaturity when candidates from the same party start talking c**p about each other. And negative ads on TV or the radio just make me want to change the channel.

    4. Most students aren't paying a lot of taxes, so they may not be so concerned with where their tax dollars are going. Once they start earning more and see a higher percentage of their wages being taxed, they're probably going to be a little more concerned about how the government is spending their money.

    There are a million reasons out there, but I think these are the some of the main issues.

  8. Seeing the type of persons in todays politics a good person will not be interested in politics.

  9. no draft - low interest - but i think there is more going on then is reported - and they need something genuine to hang their hats on.

  10. Here is your question written properly:

    Why are American students not critical of U.S. politics today?

    Because the majority of American students all receive their programming, their statist indoctrination, from NEA-approved schools. That's why. They are programmed to be mind-numbed robots who will receive and follow orders without question. In this manner, they are easily manipulated and controlled by the power elite.

    It will not change one iota until American PARENTS renounce the U.S. public-school system, even the U.S. itself, and begin raising their children in the Home the way children should be: inside the presence of the Messiah and OUTSIDE the presence of the serpent.

  11. 1. Too complex and takes too much time to make an informed decision.

    2. Not enough choices in a two party system

    3. Constant negativism in political campaigns cause people to be disgusted with the candidates

    4. Corruption in government gives people a sense of hopelessness about politics changing anything.  

    Those are my four hope they help. ---- Jeff

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